Teaching to teach Physical Education from a critical perspective. Effects of the transmission the craft in professional training


  • Carina Bologna Liprandi Universidad Provincial de Córdoba, Facultad de Educación Física, Ipef. Córdoba, Argentina. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3070-4207




Physical Education, teacher education, critical perspective


This article shares some of the results of the study carried out on the teaching task in profesional training in Physical Education. The Physical Education Teachers offered by the Faculty of Physical Education of the Provincial University of Córdoba were selected for the development of the research. The objective of the work was to describe and analyze how Physical Education is taught to teach, by investigating the ways of transmitting the profession in Teaching Practice and Residence classes III and IV, two curricular units that bring students closer to the teaching exercise and to the educational reality. in school Physical Education. From a qualitative and ethnographic approach, and from participatory observation and in-depth interviews, the empirical reference was built.


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Author Biography

Carina Bologna Liprandi, Universidad Provincial de Córdoba, Facultad de Educación Física, Ipef. Córdoba, Argentina.

Professor and Bachelor of Physical Education. Professor of Educational Sciences. Doctorate in Educational Sciences. Researcher and teacher at the Faculty of Physical Education, Ipef, of the Provincial University of Córdoba. Coordinator of the research and study group Praxis.


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How to Cite

Bologna Liprandi, C. (2022). Teaching to teach Physical Education from a critical perspective. Effects of the transmission the craft in professional training. Andean Journal of Education, 5(2), 000523. https://doi.org/10.32719/26312816.2022.5.2.3
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