Social Innovation and Higher Education in Ecuador

An analysis of the External Evaluation Model for Universities and Polytechnics 2019




Innovation, Social innovation, Higher education, Quality assurance, University accreditation


We want to know the orientation established in the legal basis of the Ecuadorian Higher Education System regarding social innovation and how it is reflected in the External Evaluation Model of Universities and Polytechnic Schools 2019. Through a documentary analysis of the regulations, it is identified that there is a relationship between social innovation, the construction of knowledge and the development of science and technology; a clear relationship between innovation and research is evident; while, there is little relationship with teaching and no relationship with the link with society.


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Author Biographies

Verónica Orellana Navarrete, Nacional Polytechnic School. Quito, Ecuador

PhD candidate in the Technological Management Program at National Polytechnic School, Master in e-business and ICT for management of the Polytechnic of Turin, Higher Specialist in Education and NTIC by the Simón Bolívar Andean University, Higher Diploma in Management for University Learning by the Army Polytechnic School of the Army. Education and ICT consultant, trainer and university teacher. External evaluator in various processes developed by the Council for the Quality Assurance of Higher Education of Ecuador.

Lorena Balseca Córdova, Universidad De Las Américas

PhD in education from the Complutense University of Madrid, Master in operations research from the National Polytechnic School and the Simón Bolívar Andean University. Higher Diploma in the use of ICT for the process of teaching and learning by the Central University of Ecuador. Master in Project Management from the Ramon Llull University of Barcelona. Systems Engineer from the Central University of Ecuador. Consultant and university teacher. External evaluator in various processes developed by the Council for the Quality Assurance of Higher Education of Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Orellana Navarrete, V., & Balseca Córdova, L. (2020). Social Innovation and Higher Education in Ecuador: An analysis of the External Evaluation Model for Universities and Polytechnics 2019. Andean Journal of Education, 3(2), 25–31.
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