Non-university higher education in times of COVID-19: possibilities and limitations of an experience in the Buenos Aires suburbs


  • Laura Biazzi Higher Institute of Teacher and Technical Training n ° 83. General Directorate of Culture and Education. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Juan Ignacio Báez Higher Institute of Teacher and Technical Training n ° 83. General Directorate of Culture and Education. Buenos Aires, Argentina.



Distance education, Information technology, Online learning


This article presents an experience around education mediated by digital technologies in times of pandemic in two non-university higher education chairs at a Higher Institute of Teacher and Technical Training in Buenos Aires, Argentina. During the 2020 school year, the appearance of COVID-19 implied reconfigurations at all levels. The practices maintained in person had to be completely transformed because they were not enough to meet the minimum objectives when transformed into distance education. The careers selected to share the work experience correspond to a Teaching degree in Secondary Education and a Higher Technical degree in Psychopedagogy.


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Author Biographies

Laura Biazzi , Higher Institute of Teacher and Technical Training n ° 83. General Directorate of Culture and Education. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Graduate in Psychopedagogy and Education Sciences (UNLZ). Librarian of Educational Institutions (ISFD 8) and Teacher in Primary Education. Specialist in Higher Education and ICT (INFD), Specialist in Primary Education and ICT (INFOD). Higher-level specialist in Problems of Social Sciences and the teaching of it (INFOD). Initial Literacy Specialist (INFOD). Specialist in Teaching Mathematics at the Primary Level. Thesis in the Master's Degree in Teacher Training UNIPE. Doctoral student in the Doctorate in Management and Policy of Higher Education (UNTREF). She currently works as a secondary and high-level teacher in the province of Buenos Aires. Virtual tutor of the Bachelor of Psychopedagogy at Kennedy University.

Juan Ignacio Báez, Higher Institute of Teacher and Technical Training n ° 83. General Directorate of Culture and Education. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Specialist in Higher Education and ICT (INFOD). Higher Diploma in Techno-pedagogical Competencies for Digital Culture (UCES). Teacher of Secondary Education in Computer Science (CONSUDEC). Bachelor of Digital Technologies for Education (UNLA) in final work instance. He currently works as a secondary and higher-level teacher in the Province of Buenos Aires.


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How to Cite

Laura, & Báez, J. I. (2020). Non-university higher education in times of COVID-19: possibilities and limitations of an experience in the Buenos Aires suburbs. Andean Journal of Education, 4(1), 30–35.
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