Pedagogical pathways towards 2030: The proposal of a model for the Ecuadorian education system




Pedagogical model, Public education, Co-design, Action research


In this editorial, we provide an overview of the Pedagogical pathways towards the 2030 project carried out by the Ministry of Education of Ecuador with the Organization of Ibero-American States and the Simón Bolívar Andean University during the second semester of 2020. The project was to define a flexible proposal for a pedagogical model that could serve as a reference for joint activity design in public educational institutions. The model was developed through co-design and action research processes in which key actors from the Ministry, institutions, and teachers of the public system were involved. As a result, a model proposal was obtained that was adapted and adopted in eight educational institutions in the country with different outcomes, revealing its potential and defining a set of strategies to face its limitations.


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Author Biographies

Miguel Ángel Herrera Pavo, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, sede Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador.

His professional development has been mainly in the field of education and international cooperation. Psychopedagogue and doctor in the Information and Knowledge Society. He has worked as a manager, professor, and researcher in various public and private, national, and international institutions; venturing into the fields of evaluation, curriculum, e-learning, intercultural bilingual education, teacher training, educational inclusion, and gender in education. He has worked in the Ministry of Education as National Director of Educational Standards, National Director of Curriculum, Undersecretary of Educational Foundations, and Vice Minister of Education. Currently, he is a research professor in the Education Area of the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Ecuador; He also collaborates as a teacher in the Master of Education and ICT at the Open University of Catalonia; and is editor of the Andean Journal of Education.

Yadhira Espinoza-Weaver, Iberoamerican States Organization. Quito, Ecuador.

Engineer in Business Administration and Master in Education with a Neuroscience specialty from the San Francisco de Quito University. Her work experience spans various public and private institutions. For 11 years, she has worked in the Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture-OEI-Ecuador Office, of which she is currently its project coordinator.

Graciela Mariana Rivera Bilbao la Vieja, Ministerio de Educación del Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador.

Master in Education from the San Francisco de Quito University. National Director of Curriculum of the Ministry of Education of Ecuador.

José Daniel Espinosa Rodríguez, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar. Quito, Ecuador.

Pedagogue from the National Autonomous University of Mexico and Master's Degree in Research in Education from the Simón Bolívar Andean University. Coordinator of Educational Evaluation and Innovation at the UTE University and teacher in the Education Area of ​​the Simón Bolívar Andean University. He has worked in the public sector performing in various positions within the National Institute of Educational Evaluation, such as Technical Evaluation Coordinator and General Technical Coordinator, and Director of Evaluation Model and Structures. He was also an official advisor for the National Secretariat for Higher Education, Science and Technology and was in charge of the National Entrance Exam for Higher Education (ENES). He was Coordinator of the Postgraduate Entrance Exam for the professional profile and head of the Unit for the Preparation of Reagents in the Deputy General Directorate of Entrance Exams DGAEXANI of the National Evaluation Center for Higher Education, Ceneval, Mexico.

Verónica Orellana Navarrete, Escuela Politécnica Nacional. Quito, Ecuador.

PhD candidate in the Technological Management Program at National Polytechnic School, Master in e-business and ICT for management of the Polytechnic of Turin, Higher Specialist in Education and NTIC by the Simón Bolívar Andean University, Higher Diploma in Management for University Learning by the Army Polytechnic School of the Army. Education and ICT consultant, trainer and university teacher. External evaluator in various processes developed by the Council for the Quality Assurance of Higher Education of Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Herrera Pavo, M. Ángel, Espinoza-Weaver, Y., Rivera Bilbao la Vieja, G. M., Espinosa Rodríguez, J. D., & Orellana Navarrete, V. (2021). Pedagogical pathways towards 2030: The proposal of a model for the Ecuadorian education system. Andean Journal of Education, 4(1), 1–4.
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