Student Profile and English Language Production: Gender Role, Educational Background, and Visual Media Consumption




foreign language proficiency, language performance, English, cultural consumption, private education, public education


Limited information exists on sociodemographic factors influencing English as a foreign language (EFL) proficiency. This study aims to identify how gender, age, private education background, gap in studying English, and audiovisual consumption influence EFL proficiency. The study involved 158 students from the final two intensive EFL courses at a public university in Cuenca, Ecuador. Multiple linear regression models were employed, following checks for collinearity and data normality. Two models were proposed: 1) gender, age, and private education background, and 2) gap in studying English and audiovisual consumption in English. Private education background was the best predictor in the first model, while audiovisual consumption in English was the key predictor in the second model. The R² increased from 0.119 to 0.291 when transitioning from the first to the second model. Conclusively, having prior English education and consuming English audiovisual content significantly impact EFL proficiency.


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Author Biographies

María Isabel Espinoza-Hidrobo, University of Cuenca

Professor María-Isabel Espinoza is currently an Associate Tenure Professor of English Language Teaching at the University of Cuenca, Ecuador and has been teaching since 2006. She is also the Director of the Language Institute, University of Cuenca. Professor Espinoza holds a Bachelor’s degree in English Language Teaching.  She was a visiting Spanish Professor at St. Andrews University in North Carolina, USA in 2014. Then Prof. Espinoza embarked on a master’s program in English Language and Applied Linguistics. At the moment, Professor Espinoza is pursuing a PhD. degree in Education at La Plata National University, Argentina. Her career as an academic has helped her embrace teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students and research. Prof. Espinoza’s research has encompassed ICT in higher education, language learning, trends in education, and teaching and learning in higher education.

Sandra Cabrera-Arias, University of Cuenca

I was born in Cuenca-Ecuador. I am an associate tenured professor at the University of Cuenca where I have been working for 16 years. I obtained my Master's degree in applied linguistics and my Ph.D. degree in Education. Teacher of English as a foreign language. Researcher in the field of higher education, evaluation, bilingual education, autonomous learning, motivation, and learning in non-formal contexts.


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How to Cite

Espinoza-Hidrobo, M. I., Cabrera-Arias, S., & Heredia-Espinoza, A. (2024). Student Profile and English Language Production: Gender Role, Educational Background, and Visual Media Consumption. Andean Journal of Education, 7(1), 000717.
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