Romero, F. y Acosta, M. (coord.) (2021). Ancestral Knowledge: Innovative Didactic Gardens and Dialogue of Knowledge. Universidad Nacional de Educación.




ancestral knowledge, innovative didactic gardens, dialogue of knowledge


This review describes the book "Ancestral Knowledge: innovative educational gardens and Dialogue of Knowledge," which results from research with the support of families, communities, and the Autonomous Decentralized Parish Government of Taday. A place where attempts have been made to preserve and spread the knowledge of the ancestors. To achieve this, it presents a brief introduction to the book, then describes the content of the chapters, and finally concludes with its main results. In this way, it is shown that the book's premise is that ancestral knowledge can address modern problems such as deindustrialization, poverty, and exclusion.


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Author Biographies

Rosa Ildaura Troya Vásquez, Universidad Nacional de Educación. Azogues, Ecuador.

Graduated in Basic Education with an itinerary in Mathematics from the National University of Education UNAE, Master in Research Methods in Education from the International University of La Rioja UNIR, Doctoral candidate in Education from the César Vallejo University UCV. He has completed internships in Havana-Cuba. He has been a teaching technician of the UNAE Professionalization program and of the UNAE Pedagogical Coordination. Currently, she is a research professor and Director of Selection, Evaluation and Academic Improvement at UNAE. He has belonged to the Diálogo de saberes research group. Currently, she is an active researcher in the Eureka 4i and Ecuadorian Educational Thought research groups. She has been a researcher in various research and innovation projects that have won the R+D+i call at UNAE and CEDIA. She is the author and co-author of several articles, including a Scopus. In addition, he has published books and book chapters on Mathematics and other areas of knowledge. He has been a workshop facilitator and speaker at various national and international events on topics related to mathematics and other areas. She has been the organizer of national and international events and has been a facilitator of international Diplomas on Mathematics.

Marco Vinicio Vásquez Bernal, Universidad Nacional de Educación. Azogues, Ecuador.

Mathematician specializing in statistics, Master in Research for Education and MBA specializing in projects, Teacher and authority of educational units in Ecuador. Teacher, researcher and authority of Ecuadorian universities. Researcher in the cultural area and in the education area. Proponent of a mathematical didactic proposal. Functions performed: Director of Educational Innovation at UNAE (2017 – 2019). Teacher at the Andrés F. Córdova Educational Unit (2003 -2014). General Vice Chancellor of the José Peralta Technical University (2003 – 2008). Coordinator of the Cañar Headquarters of the UTJP (2006 – 2012). Director of the Computer Science Degree at the Andrés F. Córdova Technological Institute (2012 – 2014). Councilor of Cañar (2005-2010). Member of the Management Commission of the UNAE (Since 28 Aug / 2020). UNAE Pedagogical Coordinator (Since Jan 15/2020). Research professor at UNAE (Since Nov 1/2014). Director of the EUREKA 4i Institutional Research Group (Since Oct/ 2018). Director of the Ecuadorian Institute of GeoGebra. Research Coordinator of the Cañari Culture Research Center (Since Sept 7/2020). Main member of the House of Ecuadorian Culture, Núcleo del Cañar (Since May/2018). Current Improvement Coordinator of the UNAE Academy. Author of several books and scientific articles published in indexed journals. Author of papers presented at national and international events.


Bello, Á., & Rangel, M. (2002). La equidad y la exclusión de los pueblos indígenas y afrodescendientes en América Latina y el Caribe. Revista de la CEPAL, 76, 39-54. DOI:

Neri, R., Ocampo, I., Escobedo, J., Pérez, A., & Rappo, S. (2008). La sustentabilidad de los sistemas agrícolas con pequeña irrigación: El caso de San Pablo Actipan. Ra Ximhai, 4(2), 139-163. DOI:

Romero, F., & Acosta, M. (comps.) (2021). Conocimientos ancestrales: Huertas didácticas innovadoras y diálogo de saberes. Universidad Nacional de Educación.



How to Cite

Troya Vásquez, R. I., & Vásquez Bernal, M. V. (2023). Romero, F. y Acosta, M. (coord.) (2021). Ancestral Knowledge: Innovative Didactic Gardens and Dialogue of Knowledge. Universidad Nacional de Educación. Andean Journal of Education, 6(2), 0062r2.
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