The assessment practices of French’s teachers as a foreign language in high school




assessment practices, teacher, French, secondary, exploratory research


This exploratory research with 58 French teachers in secondary education in Costa Rica aims to describe their assessment practices used in French as a foreign language class. An online questionnaire was used as an instrument for data collection. As the main result, the teachers have a traditional conception of assessment. In addition, the instrumentation used to assess their students is exams, day-to-day work, or homework. Furthermore, the teachers rely on the courses' objectives and contents to assess their students. Finally, assessment is an individualized practice for this group of teachers.


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Author Biography

Kuok Wa Chao Chao, Universidad de Costa Rica. San José, Costa Rica.

Professor at the University of Costa Rica in the School of Modern Languages. He holds a bachelor's degree in university teaching, a master's degree in linguistics, and a doctorate in measurement and evaluation from the University of Montreal. He has coordinated the commission for the Bachelor's Degree in French at the University of Costa Rica and is currently the director of the Confucius Institute at the same university. In addition, he has researched corrective feedback, learning strategies, and foreign language acquisition.


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How to Cite

Chao Chao, K. W. (2022). The assessment practices of French’s teachers as a foreign language in high school. Andean Journal of Education, 5(2), 000525.
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