Influence of the pandemic on children’s play and interaction in early childhood education




preschool, interactions, play, learning, socialization, pandemic


As a result of the pandemic caused by Covid-19, schools were closed in Peru and the possibilities of experiential learning and socialization in children were reduced. This research investigates the perceptions of preschool teachers about this problem, from a qualitative approach and through a questionnaire carried out to 54 participants of two Local Educational Management Units of Lima Provinces. Considering that at preschool children learn through play, observation, free exploration and interactions with their peers, the results show that by limiting these activities to distance education, children’s learning and socialization has been affected, as well as their progression in different areas of development.


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Author Biographies

Irene Elvira Castillo Miyasaki, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Lima, Perú.

Master in Psychopedagogy from the Andrés Bello University of Chile and Bachelor of Education from Unifé, specializing in Coaching and Mentoring, from Centrum PUCP. TC Professor at the PUCP Faculty of Education, Thesis advisor in the Master of Management in Policies and Programs for Early Childhood Development at PUCP, supervisor of pre-professional practices and undergraduate thesis advisor, professor of Psychomotor Education and Mathematics Logical Thinking Initiation, among other subjects. Solid experience in teacher training and educational research, in Peru and Europe. Publication of international books on early childhood. Recognized trajectory in leadership, management, and direction of Educational Institutions.

Carmen María Sandoval Figueroa, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Lima, Perú.

TC Teacher and Director of the Initial Education Career (PUCP). She coordinated the Study Diploma in Innovative Pedagogical Strategies in Initial Education at CISE PUCP. In addition, she worked as a specialist in continuing education in communication and language in early childhood, school libraries, reading mediation, inclusion, TEA, and educational research. She has a specialization in reading mediation from the CAEU/OEI/Universidad del Nordeste (Argentina, 2017), a Specialization Diploma in Autism and Asperger (CPAL, 2018), and an Advanced Specialization Diploma in Intervention (CPAL, 2019). She is currently doing a Doctorate in Educational Sciences on reading mediation in early childhood in the school context.


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How to Cite

Castillo Miyasaki, I. E., & Sandoval Figueroa, C. M. (2022). Influence of the pandemic on children’s play and interaction in early childhood education. Andean Journal of Education, 5(2), 000521.
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