The interactive synchronous digital portfolio




Digital portfolio, Synchronous porfolio, Interactive portfolio


This research deals with the interactive synchronous digital portfolio as an innovative methodological strategy in the network society, strengthening the self-assessment culture and achieving a high degree of learning and interactivity during synchronous virtual sessions. In the synchronous teaching-learning moments, learning is promoted in the form of a teacher’s monologue through video conferencing, not allowing the students’ participation, construction, and interactivity of learning. The interactive synchronous digital portfolio is proposed as an alternative. According to the results, this innovative methodological strategy can be applied in videoconferences, strengthening the processes of self-evaluation, criticality, metacognition, creativity, continuous participation, and interactivity during virtual classes.


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Author Biography

Diego Marcelo Tipán Renjifo, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica. Quito, Ecuador.

Graduated in Physics and Mathematics from the Central University of Ecuador. Technologist in Systems from the National Polytechnic University. Specialist in Curriculum Design by competencies and Master in University Teaching and Educational Administration from the Indoamérica Technological University. Doctoral candidate in the Complex Thinking and Transdisciplinarity program. He works as a teacher and researcher at the Indoamérica Technological University and an evaluator at the Council for the Assurance of the Quality of Higher Education (CACES).


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How to Cite

Tipán Renjifo, D. M. (2021). The interactive synchronous digital portfolio. Andean Journal of Education, 4(1), 83–89.
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