Roy Vega Jácome: “I've always had a somewhat skeptical and stoical view of life”


  • Byron Isacio Investigador independiente
  • Cristian Marcos Alama Flores Instituto de Educación Superior Privado Continental. Huancayo, Perú.



In the present interview, the poet Roy Vega Jácome, current young poet of Peru, talks about his beginnings with poetry, the influence or teaching he received from other authors, his poems and awards. He also speaks, though succinctly, about the current situation of Peruvian and Latin American poetry, the relationship that exists between social networks and literature, the political crisis that the country is going through, his love for books and his virtual project with Bookstore of the Bear.


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Author Biographies

Byron Isacio, Investigador independiente

Narrador y poeta. Coordinador del grupo Neper (Chiclayo) y colaborador con diversos medios de difusión cultural en Perú y Latinoamérica, tales como Neper (Chiclayo-Perú), Palabra en Libertad (Lima-Perú), Estación Compartida (Lima-Perú), Red @némesis (Lima-Perú), El Comercio (Arequipa-Perú), Papel en Blanco (España), Letras Libres (México), Carajo (Guatemala), entre otros.

Cristian Marcos Alama Flores, Instituto de Educación Superior Privado Continental. Huancayo, Perú.

Maestro en Educación, Mención Psicología Educativa, por la Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú. Licenciado en Educación, Especialidad Lengua y Literatura, por la Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo.



How to Cite

Isacio, B., & Alama Flores, C. M. (2020). Roy Vega Jácome: “I’ve always had a somewhat skeptical and stoical view of life”. Andean Journal of Education, 3(1), 67–70.
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