Critical thinking from cognitive Psychology: a disarticulation of the social criticism and its possible implications in the university training of Psychology


  • Jenny Paola Osorio Echeverri Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar. Quito, Ecuador.



Critical thinking, Social criticism, Cognitive Psicology, Critical Pedagogy, University education


This article investigates and interprets the disarticulation of social criticism of the critical thinking concept of cognitive psychology and its implications in the university education of psychology. Problems that limit the development of critical thinking in students, psychology professionals and the contributions of this science to society.
A documentary investigation is carried out, bibliographically reviewing theoretical, investigative elements related to the object of knowledge. Two theoretical orientations are elaborated: a) Critical thinking from cognitive psychology; b) Critical thinking from theory and critical pedagogy. This makes it possible to build interpretations and reflections on this topic that has been poorly studied.


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How to Cite

Osorio Echeverri, J. P. (2020). Critical thinking from cognitive Psychology: a disarticulation of the social criticism and its possible implications in the university training of Psychology. Andean Journal of Education, 3(1), 31–38.
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