Emotional Regulation and Academic Self-Regulation in Rural School Teachers during the Post-Pandemic Transition
teacher, emotional regulation, secondary education, rural educationAbstract
International organizations and the literature have shown increasing interest in teachers’ mental health. The objective of this research is to analyze the levels of teachers’ emotional regulation during the transition to the post-pandemic period in rural schools in the Biobío region, Chile. The sample consisted of 108 teachers, and the instrument used was the Teacher Self-Regulation Scale. Descriptive, correlational, and comparative analyses were conducted for the variables of age, workload, years of teaching experience, gender, and contract type. The results indicate an adequate level of emotional regulation among teachers during the transition to the post-pandemic period, with a positive correlation with age; no significant differences were found in emotional regulation based on gender and contract type. In conclusion, the importance of further research into emotional regulation, considering teachers’ age, is highlighted for improving educational quality.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Fabiola Sáez-Delgado, Nicole Medina Hicks, Javier Mella-Norambuena, Yaranay López-Angulo, Carolina Contreras-Saavedra

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