Hybrid Higher Education in Post-Pandemic Times: A Systematic Review
hybrid education, higher education, post-pandemic, virtualityAbstract
Currently, novel approaches such as hybrid education represent important tools to ensure the continuity of academic activities within higher education. This systematic review sought to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on higher education, and the role of hybrid higher education as an innovative solution for academic activities in times of new normality. To that end, this search focused on gathering recent information regarding papers studying the changes in education brought about by COVID-19, looking forward to a post-pandemic era. The results highlighted the challenge of dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic within the educational field, as well as the evolution that this field has undergone in recent years to the present day. Although hybrid education represents a novel alternative for educational activities within the new normal, it must still undergo its respective improvement process, just as distance education did at the given time.
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