Survey of reading levels in initial diagnostic evaluation. Importance of its performance in pre-professional teaching practice


  • Javier Grilli Silva Centro Regional de Profesores del Litoral. Departamento académico de Ciencias Biológicas. Salto. Uruguay
  • Pablo Cardozo Fernández Centro Regional de Profesores del Litoral. Departamento académico de Español. Salto. Uruguay



Diagnostic evaluation, Reading comprenhension, Levels of reading conprentension, Pandemic education, Teacher training


The pre-professional practice in the initial training of a teacher is a key moment to elaborate, apply and process an initial diagnostic test that probes reading comprehension skills. This paper presents an experience carried out in the training of Biology and Spanish teachers in Uruguay. The evaluation shows very low reading comprehension of the average students, and low levels at which they enter the teaching career, for the different reading levels: literal, inferential, evaluative and creative. The results of the diagnosis contributed to strengthen in the Practicing Teachers the realization of a didactic planning that points to the objectives of: scientific literacy, prioritizing the use of the text as a didactic resource for the teaching of science, valuing the sustained work of macro skills linguistics.


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Author Biographies

Javier Grilli Silva, Centro Regional de Profesores del Litoral. Departamento académico de Ciencias Biológicas. Salto. Uruguay

Professor of Biological Sciences (Institute of Professors Artigas). Degree in Psychology, (University of the Republic). Specialization in Didactics of Higher Education (Claeh) and Virtual Learning Environments (OEI). Teacher trainer at the Regional Center for Teachers of the Coast (depending on the Education Training Council) in Didactics of Biology and Zoology.

Pablo Cardozo Fernández, Centro Regional de Profesores del Litoral. Departamento académico de Español. Salto. Uruguay

Spanish Language Teacher (Artigas Teachers Institute). Degree in Psychology, (University of the Republic). Master in Specialization and Master in Spanish Grammar (FHCE, IPES). Teacher trainer at the Regional Center for Teachers of the Coast (depending on the Education Training Council) in Developmental Psychology and Didactics of Spanish.


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How to Cite

Grilli Silva, J., & Cardozo Fernández, P. (2022). Survey of reading levels in initial diagnostic evaluation. Importance of its performance in pre-professional teaching practice. Andean Journal of Education, 5(1), 000519.
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