Social networks to promote interculturality in higher education




Digiculturalism, Higher education, Innovation, Interculturality, Social networks


This article analyzes the relationship between social networks and intercultural practices in higher education. A qualitative approach was applied through an action-research methodology and a descriptive technique. As a result, it was obtained that social networks promote interculturality due to their multiple advantages: communication, interaction, ease of use, and participation in the educational community. It was possible to encourage the practice of intercultural principles and the appreciation of the use of social networks in an innovative way and the generation of spaces in which teachers foster the presence of cultural values in the educational field among students.


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Author Biographies

Danilo Marcelo Diaz Quichimbo, Universidad Nacional de Educación. Macas, Ecuador.

Degree in Educational Sciences, Professor of Basic Education at the National University of Chimborazo; Master's Degree in Inclusive and Intercultural Education from the International University of La Rioja; Master in Education, Mention in Pedagogy in Digital Environments from the Technological University Indoamerica; Master's Degree in Teacher Training and Improvement, Spanish Language and Literature Specialty from the University of Salamanca. Tutor teacher at the National University of Education (UNAE), a teacher at the "New Generation" Higher Technological Institute, at the "Amor y Esperanza" Private School, and the "Manitos" Pedagogical Classrooms. Research assistant at the National University of Chimborazo. He has published several articles and book chapters in national and international magazines. He has also participated in international conferences. He is an active member of the academic research group: "Dialogue of Knowledge, New Technologies, Diversity and Interculturality in the Amazon." Currently, he works as a teacher at the "24 de Mayo" Educational Unit and as a postgraduate teacher at the Central University of Ecuador.

Jeferson Dario Crespo Asqui, Universidad Nacional de Educación. Macas, Ecuador.

Degree in Educational Sciences, Professor of Biology, Chemistry, and Laboratory from the National University of Chimborazo, Master's Degree in Teacher Training and Improvement, Specialty in Biology, from the University of Salamanca, Master in Learning Processes at the Andrés Catholic University Beautiful. He has been a Chemistry teacher in the 14D01 Morona Education District, Chemistry and Biology teacher at the Francisco de Orellana Educational Unit, and tutor teacher at the Morona Santiago Support Center of the National University of Education (UNAE). Furthermore, he has participated in academic activities such as conferences as a speaker. In addition, he has carried out several investigations and publications in various scientific journals.

Mónica Joselyn Contreras Moina, Universidad Nacional de Educación. Macas, Ecuador.

Bachelor of Bilingual Intercultural Education Sciences from the National University of Education (UNAE), student of the Master's program in Research in Anthropology from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO). Tutor teacher at the National University of Education (UNAE). She has participated as a researcher in consultancies and research projects on rural schools, multigrade schools, and ancestral knowledge.


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How to Cite

Diaz Quichimbo, D. M., Crespo Asqui, J. D. ., & Contreras Moina, M. J. . (2022). Social networks to promote interculturality in higher education. Andean Journal of Education, 5(1), 005110.
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