Decolonial perspectves/Horizontal methodologies. Building alternative discussion-action spaces at school


  • Cristhian Ricardo Santos Gutiérrez Universidad de la Amazonia. Calle 17, Diagonal 17 con Carrera 3F, Barrio El Porvenir. Florencia (Caquetá), Colombia.



Inter/transdisciplinary project, Decolonial epistemological approach, Horizontal methodologies, Spaces for discussion/alternative action


The article presents the results of the research project entitled De las aulas pal barrio: critical readings and alternative social practices. The project proposed to respond to the pressing need to articulate critically the teaching-learning processes prevailing today in the school -limited by an institutionalized logic of educational practices- and the contextual needs of the subjects in training who are immersed in these processes. The elements of the research project exposed here are framed within the limits of a decolonial epistemological approach and horizontal methodologies as a guiding element for its development. Furthermore, as a result of the project, the inter / transdisciplinary exercises that were carried out as a practical proposal are presented within the academic spaces built for alternative discussion-action and how these are articulated with the institutional demands, but at the same time, how they transcend them, enabling thus a greater approach to the contextual needs of the subjects in training. Finally, some conclusions are proposed that highlight the importance of the decolonial epistemological approach, horizontal methodologies, the need for inter / transdisciplinary educational practices, and alternative discussion-action spaces as an articulation mechanism between school and society.


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Author Biography

Cristhian Ricardo Santos Gutiérrez, Universidad de la Amazonia. Calle 17, Diagonal 17 con Carrera 3F, Barrio El Porvenir. Florencia (Caquetá), Colombia.

Grade in philosophy and history. Master in interdisciplinary social research and professor at the University of the Amazon. Literary production around Latin American philosophy, particularly the historical-cultural, socio-economic, ethical-political, pedagogical, and aesthetic relations of the region's peoples and the possible multidimensional links that contribute to overcoming the challenges that impose the present. Among the latest published works is: "Forming subjectivity and (re)-inventing identity. Political power, black communities and forms-others of existence". In: Imagining school today. Latin American philosophical and pedagogical exercises and "Marx's dialectical method as an interpretive horizon of studies of language and communication in social interaction" In MARX: TWO HUNDRED YEARS LATER! (1818-2018)


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How to Cite

Santos Gutiérrez, C. R. (2022). Decolonial perspectves/Horizontal methodologies. Building alternative discussion-action spaces at school. Andean Journal of Education, 5(1), 000518.
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