Approaches, institutions and experts in a growing discipline

The case of the XVI Pan American Congress of Physical Education, Ecuador 1997.




Congress, Physical Education, Knowledge, Experts


From a socio-historical approach emphasizing the social history of knowledge and experts, the following work analyzes the XVI Pan American Congress of Physical Education held in Ecuador in 1997. To carry out the hermeneutical analysis, within the framework of a qualitative methodology, interpretive attention has been focused on various documentary sources, such as proceedings and reports of the congress, the major exhibitions, the general lectures, and the memories related to other Pan American congresses. Likewise, a set of semi-structured interviews have been carried out. Among the conclusions, the congress is identified as a space where the academic community questioned the educational discipline from three major epistemological approaches with important pedagogical-political consequences.


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Author Biographies

Pablo Ariel Scharagrodsky, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ). Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Doctor in Social and Human Sciences from the National University of Quilmes (UNQ). Master of Social Sciences with Orientation in Education (FLACSO, Argentina). Graduate and Professor in Educational Sciences from the National University of La Plata (UNLP). Research professor at the University of Quilmes in the Bachelor of Education. Co-director of the research program called "Discourses, practices and educational institutions" at the UNQ. In addition, he is a teacher at the FHCE, UNLP. He has supervised doctoral and master's theses and currently directs several CONICET fellows. He has served on the jury of numerous doctoral and master's theses and graduate theses. He has been a member of CONICET Advisory Commissions and Evaluation Committees. He holds Category I Teacher-Researcher in the Incentive Program. His research topics are the History of Education, problems about the body, feminist pedagogies, and gender studies. He has prepared various reports and articles for the SubsecretarY of Education of Buenos Aires and the Ministry of Education of Argentina. He authored eight books and more than 100 publications (academic articles, popular articles, and national and foreign book chapters). Among the latter are Men on the Move. Sport, physical culture and masculinities in Argentina, 1870-1950. Editorial Prometeo, Bs. As., 2021. (Compiler: Pablo Scharagrodsky); Speeches, practices, and educational institutions. Editorial Prometeo, Bs. As., 2020. (Compilers: Ricardo Baquero, Silvia Porro and Pablo Scharagrodsky); "'Tell me how old I am': cinema, adults and underage trans people", co-authored with Magali Daniela Perez Riedel. In Gender and sexuality in European media: Exploring different contexts through conceptualizations of age. Scarcelli C.M., Chronaki D., De Vuyst S., Baselga S. (Editions) 2021. Routledge.

Jorge Antonio Barreto Andrade, Universidad de Cuenca. Cuenca, Ecuador.

Doctor in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences from the University of Zaragoza, Spain; Degree in Physical Culture from the Higher Institute of Physical Culture of Havana, Cuba; Graduate and Professor of Second Education in Educational Psychology. He advises in the areas of Education, Sports History, Sports Training, Judo, and Biomechanics. Professor at the University of Cuenca, Ecuador; has served as Director of the Pedagogy of Physical Activity and Sports career; Director of the Master in Sports Training; Undergraduate and graduate teacher at various universities in Ecuador. In the Ministry of Sports of Ecuador, he worked as Director of Recreation and as Director of Physical Education; in the Sports Federation of Azuay as Methodologist and Judo coach; in the National Organization of the Blind of Spain (ONCE) as a Judo teacher, being the first teacher (three years) of the judoka Sergio Ibañez Bañon, who achieved a silver medal at the Tokyo 2020 +1 Paralympic Games. He has written several articles in and the book "Ecuadorian sports games, their history." He was born in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador on May 29, 1963.


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How to Cite

Scharagrodsky, P. A., & Barreto Andrade, J. A. (2021). Approaches, institutions and experts in a growing discipline: The case of the XVI Pan American Congress of Physical Education, Ecuador 1997. Andean Journal of Education, 5(1), 000512.
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