Determinants of dropout and permanence in the medical career

Evidence from the Ecuadorian Higher Education System




Dropout, Permanence, Socioeconomic factors, Motivation


Student dropout has been studied as a multicausal phenomenon, although greater emphasis has been placed on analyzing personal and socioeconomic factors. This study aims to identify student characteristics related to dropout and retention in the Medicine career in Ecuador. We evaluated the socioeconomic characteristics of those enrolled in the medical career in Ecuador for 2013-2018 period in a descriptive and empirical correlational manner. Additionally, we analyzed the motivation for choosing the career of students who took the professional qualification exam for 2016 and 2017. The socioeconomic characteristics are highly homogeneous among students. Internet access, academic background, age, and schooling of the head of household differ between dropouts and non-dropouts. The correlational empirical analysis was not significant in explaining dropout. Interest in ??the study and family suggestions are the most outstanding options to choose a medical career. The dropout is 40 %. Socioeconomic factors do not seem to explain this phenomenon fully. Motivational factors and the fulfillment of personal objectives in career retention stand out.


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Author Biographies

Sergio René Torres-Rentería, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador.

Part-time researcher at the International University of Ecuador. Expert in controlling economic concentrations in the Superintendence of Control of Market Power. Doctoral student and master's degree in Economics from the Complutense University of Madrid. Research interests in industrial economics, the economics of competition, education, and economic development.

Christian Escobar-Jiménez, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador.

Assistant professor at the School of Sociology and Political Science of the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador. Doctor in Logic and Philosophy of Science from the University of Santiago de Compostela, a Ph.D. student in Analytical Sociology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Master's degree in economics from the School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences in Paris. Masters in International Relations and Philosophy. Research interests in analytical philosophy, institutional economics, the economics of education, political science.


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How to Cite

Torres-Rentería, S. R., & Escobar-Jiménez, C. (2022). Determinants of dropout and permanence in the medical career: Evidence from the Ecuadorian Higher Education System. Andean Journal of Education, 5(1), 000516.
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