Media Representation of Latin America in the Arab World: The Case of Al Jazeera




Representation, Latin America, television, Al Jazeera


This article analyzes the news treatment carried out by the Al-Jazeera television channel in Latin America. The general objective is to show how the Arab viewer of Latin America and Latin Americans is informed through said television channel. The method followed was the content analysis of the news broadcast between January 1, 2000 and December 30, 2020. This period was delimited by its level of journalistic conjuncture. The results show that Latin America receives insufficient and incomplete coverage. Another interesting result that emerges from the analysis, the television medium studied tends to show a biased image of the Latin American subcontinent, as a result of the stories of international news agencies.


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How to Cite

Hiri, A. (2024). Media Representation of Latin America in the Arab World: The Case of Al Jazeera. Uru: Revista De Comunicación Y Cultura, (10), 124–140.
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