South America: An Imaginary Built by Disney. The Study Case of Saludos amigos




communication, South America, hegemony, Walt Disney, imaginaries and representations


This work explores the construction of imaginaries and representations about the countries of South America, from the cinematographic production of the United States, which later became widespread on television. The study is carried out on a historical moment and with a specific case that are the animated films Saludos amigos produced by Walt Disney in 1942, at the request and financing of the US government, as part of a strategy of consolidation of its world political power. Saludos amigos creates an imaginary of folklore, party, geographical dangers and economic health for investment in the continent. In short, the idea of “friendly neighbors” was projected to visit, do business and as allies against external threats. The commercial and political success of the production made it possible to consolidate a relationship of domination in the cultural industry and in political relations between the United States and South America. Hence, the following research questions were worked on: What is the historical importance of the contents in cinema, which later became widespread on television, for the construction of the imaginary of South America, since the Disney production Saludos Amigos? and What is the geopolitical construction from the cultural logic of the Good Neighbor Policy?


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How to Cite

Calvache, M. B., & Daysi. (2022). South America: An Imaginary Built by Disney. The Study Case of Saludos amigos. Uru: Revista De Comunicación Y Cultura, (6), 143–157.
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