The Epic Discourse about COVID-19 over the Mediatic Coverage in Chilean Television




Speech, epical, Chile, televisión


Political speech tends to acquire an epic format. Particularly, when social crises have shown huge dimensions. In Chile, the governance difficulties produced by the social unrest of 2019 were added to the untimely arrival of a new virus: COVID-19, generating a new picture of uncertainties and political reformulations. In this way, the press adopted the same narrative character in which Chilean politics has been historically-presented. Messianic heroes, powerful enemies, betrayals, and other dramatic elements circulate frequently and dominantly in the influential journalistic medium: television. This study, which analyzed news of the four most relevant open signal channels in Chile (Mega, Chilevisión, TVN y Canal 13) , in the epic discourse that the small screen presented as a reference to the events that occurred in the political arena and other relevant spheres of public life. This panorama has shown uniformity not only in the selection of news but also the narrative structure of this events during the pandemic


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How to Cite

Román Álvarez, E., Ibarra Yánez, P. F., Amoyao Bravo, C. S., Orellana Villagra, R. B., Valle Parra, C. S., & Lizárraga Ojeda, V. A. (2021). The Epic Discourse about COVID-19 over the Mediatic Coverage in Chilean Television. Uru: Revista De Comunicación Y Cultura, (4), 164–177.
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