Journalism, Militancy and Political Conflict




Journalism, political struggle, militancy, public sphere


Journalism and politics would seem to be - at first glance - two antagonistic and irreconcil­able worlds, at least if we look at them from the perspective of university classrooms, where we learn the journalism as a tool to denounces the arbitrariness and indolence of the government power, while politics tries hide their decisions and misrepresent their actions. This article try to evidencing the hypothesis that in Ecuador, the borders between the two are quite permeable. The point is that journalism has become a scene of political conflict where partisan militancy and the “settling of accounts” are evident, which weakens the public sphere strengthening the political power, which he claims to question.


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How to Cite

Benavides Vásquez, W., & Carrera Andrade, P. (2021). Journalism, Militancy and Political Conflict. Uru: Revista De Comunicación Y Cultura, (4), 99–110.
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