Steps to Be Able to Carry Out a Digital Marketing Strategy in a Company




Digital marketing, in-company e-commerce, social media strategy, e-commerce benefits


This article proposes to establish the steps that are required to be able to carry out a basic digital marketing strategy in a company, in order to be able to position itself in social networks, being able to gain visibility in them, to achieve that companies can generate contact with the client through different means and communication channels. The purpose of this study is to know what strategies and steps companies must follow to enter digital marketing, since the client is increasingly informed and demanding, so they search social networks for different products and services and compare the options. So that. companies must enter this world and know how they can position themselves in it. To this end, we propose to study specialized bibliography on the subject and carry out a systematic observation of digital marketing strategies of various companies, in order to establish the steps that are required to be efficient in the message.


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How to Cite

Suárez Blanco, M. M. (2021). Steps to Be Able to Carry Out a Digital Marketing Strategy in a Company. Uru: Revista De Comunicación Y Cultura, (4), 86–98.
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