Focus and Scope

The Andean Journal of Education is a scientific publication in Education at Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar, Ecuador. The journal approaches historical analysis, contemporary issues, and future developments related to Education in its different settings and levels. It aims to constitute a space for debate, a vehicle for academic presentation, and dissemination of theoretical and applied contributions by broadly tackling innovative implementations in diverse educational scenarios. Among the promoted lines of research are investigation and evaluation methodologies in Education; public policies in Education and training; the evolution and history of educational systems; educational reforms and innovations; educational quality and equity; attention to diversity; intercultural studies; cultural and educational studies; curricula; teaching methods; educational organization and management; educational orientation and tutoring; and teacher professional development.

The Andean Journal of Education has four sections: Research, Essays, Systematic Literature Reviews, Experiencies, and Reviews. The research section collects complete reports of original research works. The essay contains articles comprising research on a certain topic, a perspective on the state and prospects of the scientific field, and reflection works on a specific scientific topic. The systematic literature review section contains works that identify, evaluate, and synthesize all relevant research on a specific topic in the field of Education, following a rigorous and transparent process that includes: the formulation of a research question, the development of a search strategy, screening, the selection of studies, the assessment of their quality and the synthesis of the findings. The experiences section collects case study reports on educational phenomena of interest experienced in specific contexts and offers the keys for their replication, as well as articles presenting a new experimental method, test, or procedure. Finally, the reviews section reviews works of interest in Education and educational research. Only original collaborations not published under any medium are accepted in all sections. Blind pairs evaluate the articles sent to the different sections. The journal receives papers in Spanish, Portuguese, and English.