Rethinking Higher Technical Education: Implementation of the Flipped Classroom model as a possibility for new ways of learning
Flipped classroom, Technical education, Hybrid teaching, ICTAbstract
The flipped classroom model presents new pedagogical possibilities in the technical-professional field in accordance with educational reforms in Peru, that is, education is more flexible, meaningful, with more proactive, responsible, autonomous, tolerant and critical students. Therefore, it is necessary to rethink the current and hegemonic models of current teaching, particularly with regard to technical vocational training, looking for alternatives to fill the existing disconnection between traditional teaching and today's society. This paper aims to expand the discussion around the use of the flipped classroom model in professional technical education settings. In conclusion, it was shown that the flipped classroom model has great potential for its implementation in higher technical education and has the ability to quickly attract and involve students; however, the implementation strategies and technological infrastructure need to be redefined, in order to improve the incorporation of the model
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