The curriculum is also cohesive!

A proposal for non-regular educational innovation that makes people visible




Non-formal education, Social cohesion, Sense of belonging, Afro-descendants, Self education, Ethnoeducation


The present article analyzes the advantages of social cohesion and the possibilities of the non-regular educational system as the tool for the cohesion of dispersed societies due to migration, far removed from their own knowledge to the point of being ignored. The regular educational system carries colonialist impositions that today, the provisions of the Constitution concerning the right to education are not complied with. In this sense, the article presents the results of a study with an Afro-descendant migrant population. It gives visibility to the felt needs for cohesion as a single family of African origin.


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How to Cite

Cervantes Anangonó, M. S. (2019). The curriculum is also cohesive! A proposal for non-regular educational innovation that makes people visible. Andean Journal of Education, 2(2), 34–37.
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