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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published nor has it been submitted for consideration in any other journal (or if this the case, an explanation has been provided to the Comments for the editor).
  • The submitted text files are in a format that can open in the most common word processors.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographical requirements summarized in the Guidelines for authors which appears in the section About the journal.
  • Personal information has been removed from the submitted files, to ensure an anonymous review process.
  • The illustrations are high-resolution, copyrighted, and attached in a separate file.
  • Whenever a text is retrieved from the internet, URL or DOI addresses are provided for references.
  • The cover letter has been completed and attached.
  • The title page and essential information has been prepared and is attached.
  • Manuscripts are submitted in Spanish, English, or Portuguese.
  • The conflict of interest declaration has been prepared and attached.
  • The authors' contribution statement has been prepared and attached following CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy).
  • The ethics statement was prepared and attached following the guidelines provided in the Publication Ethics section.

Author Guidelines

Submission of contributions

Manuscripts must be sent exclusively through this platform. All the authors must register with their credits, although only one person will be responsible for the correspondence. Two manuscripts cannot be sent or have under review simultaneously.

Submissions will consist of three elements: (1) title page and essential information, (2) letter of commitment, and (3) Statements (conflict of interest, contribution to authorship and ethics), (4) original manuscript. The contents of these three elements are described below.

(1) Title page and essential information

The name of the author should not be included in the sent article. To that end, information concerning the author or authors should be recorded on a separate file following these directions:

  1. Title: The title should summarize the main idea of the text. It should be sufficiently explicit to be understandable when it appears by itself. It should be brief and concise and avoid abbreviations and formulas. It should be recorded in Spanish/Portuguese and English. Names and affiliations of the author(s). Clearly indicate each author's first and last name(s) and verify that all the names are accurately written.
  2. Present the affiliation addresses where the authors carried out their actual work under their names. Indicate all the affiliations with a lowercase superscript immediately after the author´s name and before the corresponding address. Provide the complete mailing address of each affiliation, including the country and, if available, the email address of each author.
  3. ORCID ID: Include the ORCID ID below the name and affiliation of each author.
  4. Person in charge of correspondence: Clearly indicate who will handle the correspondence in every revision stage, publication, and afterward. This responsibility includes responding to any future questions about Methodology and Materials. Ensure that the email is provided and that the author who handles the correspondence keeps his or her contact information up to date.

Note: This file should be consigned through the OJS system as "other."

(2) Cover letter

The authors must sign the cover letter format, in which they declare that:

  1. The original and unpublished work has not been considered simultaneously for publication in any other journal or work.
  2. The work's application and possible publication follow the norms for collaborators and the Andean Journal of Education's editorial policy.
  3. The responsibility for the content of the article.
  4. The participation and contribution of each author in the conception, design, and realization of the work, analysis, and interpretation of data, writing of the text and its revisions, and the approval of the version that is finally sent in.
  5. All the authors have contributed significantly to the research.
  6. If errors are detected, authors must provide retractions and corrections.
  7. The corresponding information on financial support.

Note: This file should be consigned through the OJS system as "others".

(3) Statements

  1. Conflict of interest: Declaration of any potential conflict of interest, whether financial, personal or otherwise, that could influence the results or interpretation of the data presented.
    Contribution to authorship: Clarify each author's contribution to the work, ensuring that all who have made a significant contribution are listed as authors and that all authors agree with the manuscript's content and publication.
    Ethics: Declaration that the work complies with international ethical guidelines applicable to the discipline, including treating human or animal participants, informed consent, and approval by ethics committees when necessary. If applicable, include discipline-specific ethical practices in the statement, such as the ethical management of information or the ethical use of artificial intelligence.

(4) Manuscripts

Article structure

The works will be presented in Times New Roman 12 typeface, single spacing, full justified and without tabs or carriage returns between paragraphs. Only the main sections of the work are separated with a return. The page should be two centimeters on all margins. Papers are presented in a PC-compatible word processor format. The file must be anonymized in file properties so that the identification of the authors does not appear.

Research articles and experiences will be adapted to the following format: abstract, keywords, highlights (all these sections should be in Spanish/Portuguese and English) article body (which should have the following format: Introduction, means and methods, results and discussion), bibliography and references according to the following instructions:

  1. Abstract: This should precisely, concisely, coherently, and understandably cover the work’s content. It should be structured as a paragraph of at most 200 words.
  2. Keywords: Immediately after the abstract, provide a list of keywords (minimum 3, maximum 6), excluding general and plural terms and multiple concepts (avoid, for example, “and,” “of”). Be respectful with abbreviations: only abbreviations firmly established in the field are eligible. These keywords will be used for indexing purposes.
  3. Highlighted points are obligatory in this journal. 3 to 5 points that define the scope and results of the research should be referred to. Each point should be less than 120 characters long.
  4. Introduction: This section should include a clear and precise presentation of the problem, a description of the research strategy and its importance. Also, the conceptual framework of the work should be discussed without unnecessary detail. Finally, the purpose of the research should be established.
  5. Methodology and Materials: In this section, the way in which the study was carried out is described. This allows the reader to evaluate if the strategies were adequate, and if the results are valid and real. Also, it should serve as a base to carry out similar studies. The following sections can be analyzed: description of the participants or subjects, materials (or tools), and procedures.
  6. Results: This section summarizes the most relevant collected information and the type of analysis carried out. The data presented should be detailed enough to justify the conclusions.
  7. Discussion: Once the results are presented, the implications are evaluated and interpreted, especially with respect to the main objective of the research. The data can be examined, interpreted, and qualified and inferences freely constructed. It is recommended that you emphasize the theoretical consequences of the results, the importance of the results, and the validity of the conclusions. It is possible to combine the results and discussion or the discussion and conclusions into one section.
  8. References: The references include all the cited documents and references in the text should be included in alphabetical order.
  9. Appendices: Only the material that can contribute to understanding the text but whose incorporation in the text would have been inappropriate should be included.
  10. Recognition: Place recognitions in a separate section at the end of the article and after the references and thus not on the title page as a footnote or otherwise.

Essays should comply with all the aforementioned considerations, but they will be adapted to the following rhetorical structure:

  1. Introduction: In this section, the problem of the study is defined and clarified.
  2. Background: The background is presented to inform the reader of the current state of research in this area.
  3. Development: Synthesized information is presented, and relations, contradictions, shortcomings, and inconsistencies in the literature are identified.
  4. Conclusion: Conclusions, proposals, limitations, and implications that motivated this work are presented.

Reviews must present a summary of the work, a brief development, and some conclusions, taking into account the following considerations:

  1. Title: The title will correspond to the reference of the reviewed work in APA format in the seventh edition.
  2. Summary: it will collect in a synthesized way what the work being analyzed is about and its precedents.
  3. Development: it will expose the main ideas from the reviewed work.
  4. Conclusions: they will synthesize the message the review wants to convey.

General considerations

  1. Subdivision and numbered sections: Divide your article in clearly defined and numbered sections. The subsections should be numbered 1.1 (then 1.1.1, 1.1.2, …), 1.2, etc. (the summary is not included in section numbering). Use this numbering for internal cross-references as well: do not just cite the text. Any subsection should have a brief heading. Each heading should appear in its own separate line.
  2. Illustrations: Make sure that each illustration has a legend. Provide legends not included in the figure separately. The legend should include a brief title and a description of the illustration. Explain all the symbols and abbreviations used and do not abuse text in the illustrations.
  3. Tables: Send the tables as editable text and not as images. They can be inserted in the article or on separate pages at the end. Number the tables consecutively according to their order of appearance in the text. Do not abuse the use of tables and make sure that the data presented in the table do not duplicate what is written in other parts of the article. Avoid the use of vertical lines and shading in table cells.

Contribution extension

The articles, be they research, essays or experiences, should be 5,000-9,000 words in length, including notes, illustrations, tables, and references. Reviews should be 1,000 to 1,500 words in length.

Citation and reference system

The journal uses the APA international norm, seventh edition. All references must be indented. Here are some examples, depending on the type of material being referenced:

Book: Last name, Initials of the author's name. (Year). Title of the book. Place of publication: Editorial.

Oviedo, A. (2018). Bilingual Intercultural Education in Ecuador (1989-2007): Voices. Quito: Andean University Simón Bolívar / Abya-Yala.

Book with editor or publisher: Last name, Initials of the author's name or author (Ed.). (Year). Title. Place of publication: Editorial.

Ireland, V. (Ed.) (2007). Rethinking school: A study of the challenges of learning, reading, and writing. Brasilia: UNESCO, INEP.

Book chapter: Last name, Initials of the author's name. (Year). Chapter title. In Initials of the name of the publisher, publisher, compiler or compiler. Surname. (Ed.) Or (Comp.), Book Title (pp. Xx-xx). Place of publication: Editorial.

Hoyos, G. (2002). New relations between the university, the State, and society. In M. Henao (Comp.), Higher education, society, and research (pp. 2-18). Bogotá, Colombia: COLCIENCIAS, ASCUN.

Scientific journal article: Surname, Initials of the author's name. (Year). Article title. Name of the journal, volume (number), pp-pp.

Somoza Rodríguez, M. (2002). Continuity of the topics: racial and social prejudices in Argentine civic education during the Peronist period. Studia. Magazine of the Universidad del Atlántico, 2-3, 49-66.

Article with DOI: Last name, Initials of the author's name. (Year). Article title. Name of the journal, volume (number), pp-pp. doi: xx.xxxxxxx.

Morón, H. & Daza, P. (2019). With the water: get wet! A project of teaching innovation and scientific literacy. Andean Journal of Education, 2 (1), 2-7. doi: 10.32719 / 26312816.2019.2.1.1

Newspaper article: Last name, Initials of the author's name. (Date). Article title. Name of the newspaper, pp-pp.

Castillo, L. (2017, March). The Saraguros maintain their traditions in the United States. El Comercio, 15-16.

Undergraduate or graduate thesis: Last name, Initials of the author's name. (Year). Thesis title [Undergraduate, master's, or doctoral thesis]. Name of the institution, place.

Narváez Yar, Lida Kruscaya (2020). Teachers' perceptions of the continuous professional training policy implemented in the country during the government of the Citizen Revolution from a case study [Master's Thesis]. Simón Bolívar Andean University, Quito, Ecuador.

Anti-plagiarism policy

To guarantee the originality of the articles received by the journal, all are analyzed by the Turnitin system, which allows for preventing plagiarism, guaranteeing that the works received are original.

Conflict of interest, authors' contributions, and ethics statements

  1. A statement that no conflict of interest may have influenced the results presented or communication of any personal or financial relationship with persons or public or private entities from which a possible conflict of interest could arise must be included.
  2. In the case of several authors, the specific contribution of each author to the scientific article must be stated using the CRediT taxonomy (Contributor Roles Taxonomy).
  3. In the case of a study involving people, an ethics statement must be included, following the guidelines in the Publication Ethics section.

Privacy Statement

The names and emails submitted to this journal will be exclusively used for its purposes and will not be provided to third parties or for other purposes.