Political Radicalization and Emotions: The Transfer of the PP Vote to VOX
Far right, emotions, VOX, political radicalization, SpainAbstract
The aim of this article is to elucidate the transfer of votes from the Popular Party to VOX, from the General Elections of April 2016 to the elections held in November 2019. Likewise, we will try to highlight how the emotional component is positioned as an explanatory factor of the vote for the extreme right-wing formation in Spain. For this purpose, a quantitative analysis will be carried out based on the data from the survey conducted by the Political Research Team of the University of Santiago de Compostela. The focus will be on positive emotions (presence and intensity) towards Pablo Casado, leader of the PP until 2022, and towards Santiago Abascal, leader of VOX. Likewise, the emotions of both electorates towards the two political formations indicated will also be analyzed. The main results show a clear emotional profile of the voters of the extreme right in Spain, both towards their leader and the party. With respect to the transfer of votes, it can be seen that the main source of votes for the extreme right comes from the PP.
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