Appropriation of Art in Advertising: I Am Not Sure Goya Would Have Liked This




Advertising, art, appropriationism, recontextualization, advertising campaigns, cultural context, cultural property presentation, communication ethics


The present study contrasts the relationship between art and advertising within the appropriationism movement. Demonstrating  that advertising takes advantage of cultural and artistic assets to contextualize it, make them their own in order to make a profit. Methodologically, ten in-depth interviews with experts are carried out, four advertisers: Luis Bassat, Rafa Fortis, Daniel Cuadrado  Romera and Lara Martín Ortega. Confronted with seven artists from different disciplines: Santiago Bellido, Manuel Tamariz, Julio Falagán, Belén González Díaz, Carlos Trigueros Mori, José Francisco Vaquero Mata and Chema Alonso. Starting from the campaign + 1.5ºC Changes everything of WWF launched at the 2019 Climate Summit, it re-uses artworks made by Patinir, Goya, Soroya or Velazquez ceded by. Prado Museum. It is analysed in questions about appropriationism, the impact of art on advertising campaigns.  If they consider this reuse as plagiarism of cultural property, if it directly affects the exercise of the profession, and the legal protection of artistic works. It is concluded that advertising makes use of art. Positively valuing appropriationism for educational  work and dissemination of culture. However, its primary use as a sales technique is noted. Legally, the resolution of infringements of intellectual property rights is left in the hands of professional deontology. Diluting the artistic limits in which all creative communication is inspired, specially in persuasive messages. 


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How to Cite

López Iglesias, M., & Gigosos Tamariz, M. T. (2024). Appropriation of Art in Advertising: I Am Not Sure Goya Would Have Liked This. Uru: Revista De Comunicación Y Cultura, (9), 115–132.
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