From Teachers and Writers to Journalists: Evolution and Current Status of Female Journalism in Ecuador
Journalism, mass media, journalistic work, women's journalismAbstract
Female journalists have carried out a significant role in the strengthening of journalism in Ecuador. Their steps in this field started when, at the beginning of the XX century, both female teachers and writers disseminated their ideas, initially in classrooms, and afterwards in the first women’s magazines they founded at that time. During the 90s, the entrance of women in mass media increased and moved forward without stopping till nowadays. Nevertheless, although there exists a great number of women in journalism, which is interpreted as a feminization of the profession by some authors, it is worth to note that this fact has not been accompanied by the eradication of gender stereotypes which, historically, have been a common occurrence in mass media. In all the stages of the development of this profession, women have had to face the above-mentioned stereotypes to achieve equality with their male counterparts. That is to say women’s paths have not been neither easy nor limiting to stand out in a male dominant environment and to turn themselves into mainstays of journalism in this country.
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