Communication Plan to Strengthen the Kitu Kara Identity of the Llano Grande Commune




Strategic communication, enactive strategic communication, cultural identity, communication plan, Kitu Kara community


From a communication proposal, an attempt was made to develop a Strategic Communication Plan to strengthen the Kitu Kara  identity in the Llano Grande commune, using a methodology, Enactive Research in Communication (IEC), which allowed us to  recognize and rediscover fluidity and living memory. Thus, the proposal focuses on strengthening identity through communication 
activities that allow the promotion of their cultural heritage and the construction of a collective narrative that reflects their values  and aspirations. The Communication Plan is divided into three: the strategies phase, in which the origins and challenges of the Llano Grande Commune are analyzed, discussing the categories of strategic communication, enactive strategic communication, identity  and culture and strategic communication to strengthen identity; the diagnosis phase, where the communication problems are  identified through matrices; and the Plan phase, in which the actions and tactics are designed to achieve the proposed objectives.


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How to Cite

Pulupa Changoluisa, S. (2024). Communication Plan to Strengthen the Kitu Kara Identity of the Llano Grande Commune. Uru: Revista De Comunicación Y Cultura, (9), 55–69.
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