Branded Podcast: The Case of an Argentine Agribusiness Company




Branded content, branded podcast, sound experience, storytelling, strategic business communication


In the context of “audification” and the growing role of sound, the podcast has become a powerful tool for brands. This article aims to analyze and describe the use of the branded podcast by the Argentine company Ledesma, as an innovative and effective strategy to connect with its audience in a creative and emotional way. Through the “Sound Experience in the Ledesma Universe” project, its Visitor Center has become an interactive space, where surround sound techniques and binaural recordings offer the possibility of  immersing yourself in five acoustic proposals. This immersive initiative allows to know different stories and narratives that transmit  the values and identity of the brand, which creates a unique and memorable experience for visitors. Within the framework of the  case study, the methodological triangulation that combines analysis of web content, interviews, and participant observation, has  allowed us to analyze how micro-podcasting technology has become a strategic vehicle for Ledesma. In the conclusions, it is  indicated how the branded podcast strategy implemented, while it can be an effective way to build relationships with customers,  associate the brand with particular values and focus on serving instead of selling, has been a successful option for the company  from Jujuy, in its search for a more authentic and meaningful communication with the community. Likewise, it was demonstrated  that podcasting represents a powerful way of telling stories and connecting emotionally with listeners.


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How to Cite

Canavire, V. B. (2024). Branded Podcast: The Case of an Argentine Agribusiness Company. Uru: Revista De Comunicación Y Cultura, (9), 21–39.
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