The Digital Route in the Government of Guillermo Lasso: An Analysis Based on Social Networks and Communication Strategies
Social networks, communication strategies, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Ecuadorian presidency, Guillermo LassoAbstract
This study analyzes the presence or absence of communication strategies managed in the informative publications of Guillermo Lasso, president of the Republic of Ecuador, from a qualitative approach and a non-probabilistic sampling, a semi-structured interview was conducted with the communication secretary of the presidency between the period 2015 to 2017, and is counteracted with a multimodal matrix to determine the interactions, visual elements and messages published on the social networks of: facebook, Twitter and TikTok, with more than 450 publications analyzed in total, it is evident how the president maintains a business and family discourse, relegating the important aspects that the president of a country must consider, since it does not manage to set a trend but it does become a follower of the conjunctures.
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