Abduction and Synechismic: Peircean Keys to Decipher the Genius of Dr. Gregory House





Abduction, synechismic, diagnosis, symptom, clues


In this article we will review two fundamental concepts in Peirce’s immense theoretical arsenal, abduction and synechism, which are applied with great efficiency to solving enigmas. I will use these concepts to describe the reasoning of the well-known Dr. Gregory House, the main character in the television series of the same name. It will be proven that his ability to solve strange medical cases is more that of a semiotic than that of a doctor, demonstrating that his thinking, free from the discipline of medical science, is effective thanks to his abductive and synechismic abilities, as occurs in the mental processes of private detectives.


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How to Cite

Aulestia, C. (2022). Abduction and Synechismic: Peircean Keys to Decipher the Genius of Dr. Gregory House. Uru: Revista De Comunicación Y Cultura, (5), 155–165. https://doi.org/10.32719/26312514.2022.5.11
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