Audiovisual language in digital culture: and engagement strategies


  • Diana Chamorro Flores Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (Quito, Ecuador)



engagement, like page, social media


Organizations have found a way to reach their target audience through social media. However, not all of them have been able to implement an effective communication strategy. For a case-study, was chosen to analyze the content on its ‘Like’ page and determine whether the disseminated information is creating engagement and gaining loyalty of the users. To achieve this, textual and visual contents of the posts that were published during 2015 were investigated and a study of interactivity was carried out. Surveys and interviews were also carried out to get a feedback from their fans on the content and performace of the ‘Like’ page


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How to Cite

Chamorro Flores, D. (2020). Audiovisual language in digital culture: and engagement strategies. Uru: Revista De Comunicación Y Cultura, (3), 68–83.
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