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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Uru: Revista de Comunicación y Cultura welcomes unpublished articles that comply with the Editorial Policy and the Guidelines for Contributors. Due to the specialized nature of the journal, the articles submitted must be results or advances of research in journalism, communication, communication and culture, arts and communication, humanities and communication.

Manuscripts should be submitted exclusively through the OJS platform. All authors must register with their credits, although only one author will be responsible for the correspondence.

Authors must sign the cover letter form, in which they declare that:

  • The work is original and unpublished, and has not been simultaneously put under consideration for publication in any other journal or editorial work.
  • The submission and possible publication of the work is in accordance with the Guidelines for Contributors and the editorial policy of Uru: Revista de Comunicación y Cultura.
  • Their participation and contribution in the conception, design and realization of the work, analysis and interpretation of data, writing of the text and its revisions, as well as in the approval of the version that is finally sent as an attachment.
  • All authors have contributed significantly to the research.
  • In case errors are detected, they are obliged to provide retractions and to provide the corresponding information on the publication.
  • They provide the corresponding information on the financial support received.
  • Assignment of rights, declaration of conflict of interest and dissemination.
  • The author must specify in the submission if their article is part of a preprint server.

Uru: Revista de Comunicación y Cultura has three sections:

1. Monographic (refereed section)

In this section, monographic topics are published from a theoretical perspective defined by the coordinator of the monographic section, who is in charge of establishing the guidelines and thematic axes to give a greater integral understanding of the topic, from a theoretical academic position. Papers are accepted with a length between 5000 to 9000 words, considering the body of the article, such as footnotes and the list of references.

The calls for papers in this section have closing dates. You can review the current call for papers in the OJS platform of the journal, or on the website of the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador.

2. Essays (refereed section)

Research topics related to the thematic axes of the journal are published: communication, journalism, cultural studies, arts and humanities, always with a communicational link.

The texts must be related to research projects or studies in progress or concluded. We welcome papers with a length between 5000 to 9000 words, considering the body of the article, as well as the footnotes and the list of references. The calls for papers in this section have closing dates. You can review the current call for papers in the OJS platform of the journal, or on the website of the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador.

3. Reviews (no refereed section)

It presents a critical analysis and opinion of the content of current publications on subjects related to the specialized subject of the journal. It is between 1,000 and 1,500 words long.

The author and name of the work being reviewed, the year of publication, the place, the name of the publishing house and the number of pages of the book must be indicated.

Authorship Statement

Starting in 2025, articles published in this journal with more than one author must include an authorship statement according to the CRediT taxonomy. This taxonomy assigns specific roles to contributors, facilitating greater transparency in the scientific process.

CRediT Roles:

  1. Conceptualization: Link
  2. Data Curation: Link
  3. Formal Analysis: Link
  4. Funding Acquisition: Link
  5. Investigation: Link
  6. Methodology: Link
  7. Project Administration: Link
  8. Resources: Link
  9. Software: Link
  10. Supervision: Link
  11. Validation: Link
  12. Visualization: Link
  13. Writing – Original Draft: Link
  14. Writing – Review & Editing: Link

An author may perform multiple roles, or multiple authors may share the same role. In these cases, the degree of contribution can be specified. The lead author will be responsible for assigning the roles, and all authors must confirm their respective roles.

Authors are requested to include the authorship statement in the cover letter when submitting their articles.

Examples of authorship statements:

  • Author 1: conceptualization, methodology, writing.
  • Author 2: conceptualization, writing.
  • Author 3: conceptualization, methodology.

For more information on the CRediT taxonomy, visit this link.

Requested structure for refereed sections:

  • Spanish/English title: concise but informative, in Spanish in the first line and in English in the second line. Maximum 85 characters with space.
  • Identification data of the author(s): full names and surnames of each author, institutional affiliation, city, country, e-mail, ORCID code.
  • Spanish/English abstract: minimum length 220 and maximum 250 words, first in Spanish and then in English. The use of automatic translators is not allowed.
  • Introduction: it should include a clear and precise presentation of the problem, the description of the research strategy and its importance. It should also discuss the conceptual framework of the work without going into unnecessary depth. Finally, the purpose of the research should be established.
  • Methodology and materials: a detailed description is given of how the study was carried out, allowing the reader to evaluate whether the strategies were adequate and whether the results are valid and real. It can also serve as a basis for similar studies. It may include the following sections: description of the participants or subjects, materials (or tools) and procedures.
  • Analysis and results: summarizes the most relevant data collected and the type of analysis performed. The data should be presented in sufficient detail to justify the conclusions.
  • Discussion and conclusions: once the results are presented, their implications are evaluated and interpreted, especially in relation to the main purpose of the research. The data can be freely examined, interpreted and qualified and inferences can be drawn from them. It is recommended to emphasize the theoretical implications of the results, the significance of the results and the validity of the conclusions.
  • References: include all documents cited in the text. They should be presented in alphabetical order.
  • Acknowledgements: if they exist, they should be placed at the end of the article before the references and, therefore, do not include them on the title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise.


All UASB-E publications strive for written expression that does not discriminate against women or any group in society, while recognizing the history, structure and economy of the language, and the most comfortable use for readers and speakers.

Therefore, no sexist or inequitable usage will be accepted, nor will the immoderate use of inclusive duplications or the morpheme e, @ (it is not a letter) or x to compose supposedly generic words, which contravene the standard use of the language.


Standards for citations and references

Uru: Revista de comunicación y Cultura adheres to the criteria of the "Chicago Deusto Style Manual 2017", and within this, to the Subsystem Author Year (SAA).

  • Example of a citation Subsystem Author Year (SAA)

Torres Ripa, Javier, ed. 2013. Manual de estilo Chicago-Deusto. Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto.

Collier, Ruth Berins, y David Collier. 2009. Shaping the Political Arena: Critical Junctures, the Labor Movement, and Regime Dynamics in Latin America. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press.

EC Ministry of National Defense. 2014. Defense policy agenda: 2014-2017. Quito: Ministry of National Defense.

Guevara Viejo, Jorge Fabricio. 2016. "El proceso de institucionalización del Sistema Nacional de Educación Superior en el Ecuador: Un estudio desde el análisis de la resignificación de las presiones institucionales." Doctoral dissertation, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador. 10644/5298.

Bizberg, Ilán. 1993. "Business Modernization and Industrial Relations in Mexico." In Modernización empresarial: Tendencias en América Latina y Europa, edited by Rainer Dombois and Ludger Pries, 83-110. Caracas, VE: Friedrich Ebert Foundation of Colombia / Editorial Nueva Sociedad.

EC Ministry of Education. 2017. "Inclusive schools." Ministry of Education. Accessed April 27.

The following are some recommendations related to this manual:

  • Words in other languages should appear in italics.
  • The first time acronyms or abbreviations are used, they should be in parentheses after the complete formula.
  • About images, maps, charts, graphs, figures and tables:
    • They must be incorporated in the text in an orderly fashion.
    • They must contain complete reference sources (last name, year, page number) in single spacing, 11 points.
    • Each must have a title and sequence number.
    • Graphics should be sent separately in any standard readable format (indicate the format), as long as the location suggested by the author is mentioned in the text. To ensure the final quality, the author will send to the editorial office a digital file with high resolution level (in cd, zip, usb or other file format). If they were elaborated in a statistical program, they must be accompanied by a pdf file generated directly by the program.


In this section, monographic topics are published from a theoretical perspective defined by the coordinator of the monographic section, who is in charge of establishing the guidelines and thematic axes to give a greater integral understanding of the topic, from a theoretical academic position.

Papers are accepted with a length between 5,000 and 9,000 words, considering the body of the article, such as footnotes and the list of references.


Research topics related to the thematic axes of the journal are published: communication, journalism, cultural studies, arts and humanities, always with a communicational link.

The texts must be related to research projects or studies in progress or concluded. We welcome papers with a length between 5,000 and 9,000 words, considering the body of the article, such as footnotes and the list of references.


It presents a critical analysis and opinion of the content of current publications on subjects related to the specialized subject matter of the journal.

It is between 1,000 and 1,500 words in length. The author and name of the work to be reviewed, the year of publication, the place, the name of the publisher and the number of pages of the book must be indicated.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.