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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is 1,5 spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Norms/standards for authors y anonymous peers

1) Concerning the presentation of articles

  • Procesos receives unedited research articles in Spanish whose content conforms to the guidelines listed in the Studies and Debates sections that are included in the section “About the journal”.
  • The texts presented for publication must have not been submitted to any other publication at the same time. Therefore, it is assumed that the articles are free of any kind of editorial compromise.

  • There are not any specific dates for receiving articles for issues that have no designated theme, those are processed according to the order that they arrive or according to the invitation that is posed. On the other hand, the timetable of monographic issues is established by the editor of Procesos and the dossier coordinator.

  • Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the process. You can also send a copy of your work to the e-mail addresses procesos@uasb.edu.ec, procesosrevistahistoria@gmail.com.
  • Besides the proposed article, each autor must include a summary in Spanish of 100 words, a list of six key words, corresponding information about the autor with a limit between 100-150 words, including the author’s e-mail address, earned academic diplomas, institutional affiliation, current job positions, investigation topics and recent publications and ORCID number.

  • The manuscripts presented must conform to the editorial norms of the Manual de Chicago Deusto (2013). Review the Citation Guidelines.
  • Procesos. Revista Ecuatoriana de Historia does not charge fees for submission of works, nor fees for the publication of your contributions (articles and reviews).


2) Author’s obligations

  • At the moment of submitting the article, an author declares that their work is their sole authorship and that they respect the rights of third-party intellectual property. If an author uses material that belongs to other sources (photographs, paintings or pictures, maps, graphic representations in general) such author should give credit and the respective legal authorization to include said source. At the moment of registering authorship, the author also declares that their investigation was conducted with honesty and without inappropriate manipulation concerning the article’s evidence.
  • The authors signed the “Letter of assignment of rights”, which authorizes the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador to preserve and publicly communicate this material. Acceptance allows publication in paper and electronic form. The author maintains the intellectual rights over his work and the rights of third parties are respected. Procesos. Revista Ecuatoriana de Historia is licensed under a Creative Commons reconocimiento-compartilingual 4.0.


 3) About the evaluation process

  • Every article is evaluated by anonymous academic peers. Therefore, each article’s writer must accept the final opinion of said anonymous evaluators. The solicited modifications and/or corrections are very important for each publication’s success and each requested modification or correction need to be completed on time being that each issue adheres to strict deadline parameters. As soon as Procesos receives the modified work of an author, the journal’s staff will inform the author of its acceptance status along with its publication schedule. The journal also has the right to make corrections concerning each article’s style if an article has been approved for publication.
  • The external anonymous peers examines the academic quality of each proposed work in a framework of characteristics like: freedom of expression, critical dialogue and adhesion to ethical principles.

  • Concerning this aspect, each contribution is evaluated by two anonymous readers. To achieve this, the “Evaluation form”. In the case that a possible contradiction appears in the opinion of one or both of the evaluators, a third decisive evaluator could be included to render a possible solution to quell any author’s doubts concerning the evaluation procedure’s legitimacy. The Editor and the Editorial Committee have the final say concerning each proposed article’s publication.
  • There isn’t any communication between either anonymous evaluator neither will the author be able to dialogue with either of the anonymous evaluators. The communication between each actor involved in the process is mediated by the Editor.
  • Each evaluator has an approximate evaluation term of four weeks. In turn, authors have two weeks to make corrections or modifications concerning feedback given by the evaluators.
  • Summaries, solicited or received, are evaluated by the Editor and the Redaction Board. They can be about books that have been published during the last four years.


Citation guidelines

Procesos. Revista Ecuatoriana de Historia follows the “notes and bibliography” system of Manual de Chicago Deusto (Bilbao: University of Deusto, 2013). The following sections contain examples concerning citation formats. The following abbreviations are employed: complete citation (N); abbreviated note (NA); and bibliography (B).


One Author

(N)      Jean-Paul-Deler, Ecuador: del espacio al Estado nacional, 2.a ed. revisada (Quito: Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador / Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos / Corporación Editora Nacional, 2007), 124-126.

(NA)    Deler, Ecuador: del espacio …, 250.

(N)       Inmediata. Ibíd., 114.

Don’t use expressions: “íd.”, ídem”, “art. cit.”, “loc. cit.”, “op. cit.”

(B)       Deler, Jean-Paul. Ecuador: del espacio al Estado nacional. 2.a ed. revisada. Quito: Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador / Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos / Corporación Editora Nacional, 2004.

Two or three authors

(N)      Carlos Sempat Assadourian, Guillermo Beato y José Carlos Chiaramonte, Argentina: De la conquista a la independencia, vol. 2 (Buenos Aires: Paidós, 1992), 192-98.

(NA)    Assadourian, Beato y Chiaramonte, Argentina: De la conquista…, 124.

(B)       Assadourian, Carlos Sempat, Guillermo Beato y José Carlos Chiaramonte. Argentina: De la conquista a la independencia. Vol. 2. Buenos Aires: Paidós, 1992.

Four or more authors

(N)      Magdalena Bertino et al., La economía del primer batllismo y los años veinte. Auge y crisis del modelo agroexportador (1911-1930), t. III de Historia Económica del Uruguay (Montevideo: Fin de Siglo / Instituto de Economía, Universidad de la República / Banco Central del Uruguay / Banco República, 2005), 62.

(B)       Bertino, Magdalena, Reto Bertoni, Héctor Tajam y Jaime Yaffé. La economía del primer batllismo y los años veinte. Auge y crisis del modelo agroexportador (1911-1930). T. III de Historia Económica del Uruguay. Montevideo: Fin de Siglo / Instituto de Economía, Universidad de la República / Banco Central del Uruguay / Banco República, 2005.


Book chapter

(N)      Alonso Valencia, “Importancia de Sucre en la historia de Colombia”. En Sucre soldado y estadista, ed. por Enrique Ayala Mora, 2.a ed., 53-73. (Quito: Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador / Corporación Editora Nacional, 2009), 164.

(NA)    Valencia, “Importancia de Sucre…”, 280.

(B)       Valencia, Alonso. “Importancia de Sucre en la historia de Colombia”. En Sucre soldado y estadista, editado por Enrique Ayala Mora, 2.a ed., 53-73. Quito: Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador / Corporación Editora Nacional, 2009.

Journal Article

(N)      Daniel Gutiérrez Ardila, “El arrepentimiento de un revolucionario: José Manuel Restrepo en tiempos de la Reconquista (1816-1819)”, Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura 40, n.o 2 (julio-diciembre 2013): 54-56.

(NA)    Gutiérrez Ardila, “El arrepentimiento…”, 74.

(B)       Gutiérrez Ardila, Daniel. “El arrepentimiento de un revolucionario: José Manuel Restrepo en tiempos de la Reconquista (1816-1819)”. Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura 40, n.o 2 (julio-diciembre 2013): 49-76.

Publications obtained from Internet (with DOI reference)

(N)      Nicolás Quiroga, “Blogs de historia: usos y posibilidades”, Historia Crítica, n.o 43 (ene.-abr. 2011): 73, doi:10.7440/histcrit43.2011.05.

(B)       Quiroga, Nicolás. “Blogs de historia: usos y posibilidades”, Historia Crítica, n.o 43 (ene.-abr. 2011): 62-80, doi:10.7440/histcrit43.2011.05.

Publications obtained from Internet (with URL reference)

(N)      Amy Taxim, “La participación de la mujer en la Independencia: el caso de Manuela Sáenz”, Procesos. Revista Ecuatoriana de Historia, n.o 14 (1999): 86, http://portal.uasb.edu.ec:8888/docview/748373311?accountid=8308.

(B)       Taxim, Amy. “La participación de la mujer en la Independencia: el caso de Manuela Sáenz”. Procesos. Revista Ecuatoriana de Historia, n.o 14 (1999): 85-113, http://portal.uasb.edu.ec:8888/docview/748373311?accountid=8308.

Press articles (with author’s signature)

(N)      Luciano Andrade Marín, “El remiendo en el cuartel de los Limeños”, El Comercio, 1 de junio de 1964: 4.

(B)       Andrade Marín, Luciano. “El remiendo en el cuartel de los Limeños”. El Comercio. 1 de junio de 1964: 4.

Press articles (without author’s signature)

(N)      “La cuestión muelle de Guayaquil”, El Telégrafo, 28 de septiembre de 1920: 1.

(B)       El Telégrafo. “La cuestión muelle de Guayaquil”. 28 de septiembre de 1920: 1.

Unedited documents and theses

(N)      Rocío Rueda Novoa, “De esclavizados a comuneros en la cuenca aurífera del Río Santiago - Río Cayapas (Esmeraldas). Etnicidad negra en construcción en Ecuador siglos XVIII- XIX”, (tesis de doctorado, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador, 2010), 30, http://repositorio.uasb.edu.ec/bitstream/10644/2815/1/TD011-DH-Rueda-De%20esclavizados.pdf.

(B)       Rueda Novoa, Rocío. “De esclavizados a comuneros en la cuenca aurífera del Río Santiago - Río Cayapas (Esmeraldas). Etnicidad negra en construcción en Ecuador siglos XVIII- XIX”. Tesis de doctorado. Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador. 2010. http://repositorio.uasb.edu.ec/bitstream/10644/2815/1/TD011-DH-Rueda-De%20esclavizados.pdf.

Published interviews

(N)      François Hartog, interviewed by Renán Silva, Historia Crítica, n.o 48, (septiembre-diciembre 2012): 209.

(B)       Hartog, François. Interviewed by Renán Silva. Historia Crítica, n.o 48, (septiembre-diciembre 2012): 208-214.

Personal contact

(N)      Frank Salomon

(faculty member of the University of Wisconsin, Madison), in a conversation with the author, June 2013.

Unedited archive sources

(N)      José Gabriel Pérez, “Informe al Mariscal Antonio José de Sucre, Yntendente del departamento de Quito”, Guayaquil, July 29, 1822, Archivo Nacional del Ecuador (ANE), fondo Presidencia de Quito, caja 595, ff. 28-33.

Consulted archives

(N)      Name of author, "Title of the document", place of the document, date of the document. File where the document is located (abbreviation the first time it is cited), Background, book.

They must appear at the end of an article, before the consulted bibliography:

Archivo Nacional del Ecuador (ANE)

     Fondo Presidencia de Quito

     Fondo Notarial

Archivo Metropolitano de Historia de Quito (AMH-Q)

     Sección Secretaría Municipal

     Sección Sindicatura o Procuraduría