Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador.
Toledo N22-80 (Plaza Brasilia) Quito, Ecuador.
(593 2) 322 8084, ext. 1707.
Quality Criteria
The Estudios de la Gestión journal complies with quality criteria and indicators, both in its editorial and administrative processes, classified into structure, process and results indicators, both for its printed and electronic versions, which seek to contribute to the generation of knowledge, taking care of the dimensions of reliability, security, accessibility, promptness in the response, punctuality, periodicity and quality of the content.
- Institutional prestige: The journal Estudios de la Gestión belongs to the Academic Area of Management of the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador, a house of studies specialized in fourth level higher education, with international accreditation, rated as Category A by CEACEES 2015, and accredited by the Council for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (CACES) in 2020.
- Variety: The journal Estudios de la Gestión presents, in each of its issues, research and critical theoretical analysis of current issues -at national and international level- on organizational policies and strategies, management technologies, organization and management and the state of the art of microfinance, risk management, public policies, development and management of human talent and quality.
- Visibility and access: Estudios de la Gestión has an open access policy, both through the UASB repository and through the journal's portal, from where those interested can download the entire contents of the journal free of charge. The journal portal has three language versions: Spanish, English and Portuguese. International visibility is generated through multiple access platforms such as academic social networks (Google Scholar and, institutional repositories, author identifiers (ORCID).
- Editorial standardization: The Estudios de la Gestión journal presents data on the publisher, data on the responsible institution, ISSN registration of the printed version and eISSN of the electronic version, mention of periodicity, bibliographic masthead on the cover and on the presentation pages.
- Administrative process: The journal Estudios de la Gestión exhibits detailed instructions to authors, mention of the journal's mission and objectives, thematic coverage and target audience, editorial committee composed of members from various institutions, identification of committee members, mention of the process of arbitration and acceptance of manuscripts, disclosure of the dates of receipt and acceptance of manuscripts, date of preprints and printing. In addition, the table of contents, abstract titles, keywords and JEL code are in three languages: Spanish, English and Portuguese. The periodicity of the issues is biannual, an efficient flow of manuscripts is guaranteed and the journal uses text reviewers for the English and Portuguese sections. More than 75% of the authors are external to the editorial board and outside the journal's editorial organization.
- Blind peer review process: The journal Estudios de la Gestión has a process of review of manuscripts by two expert peers of the authors in which external scientific arbitration criteria are considered, anonymity in the review, instructions for review and evaluation rubrics, sending evaluation reports to authors in which the editorial decision of rejection or acceptance is explained, as well as the opinions issued by external evaluators.
- Ethics and commitment: The journal Estudios de la Gestión follows a code of ethics that protects and guarantees the duties and rights of the scientific community as a whole, i.e., authors, reviewers, editors and readers. The code of ethics of Estudios de la Gestión follows the guidelines of the International Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
- Originality: The journal Estudios de la Gestión, as a previous step to start the editorial process of the articles, submits them to a plagiarism control using the professional program Urkund. If it is determined, qualitatively and quantitatively, that there is plagiarism in the submitted manuscript, the submission will be cancelled.
- Emerging technologies: The journal uses the latest version of OJS for its editorial management (OJS 3.0).
- The author as a maxim: In Estudios de la Gestión the author is the fundamental figure that sustains and gives meaning to the entire publication process, prioritizing originality and novelty. Estudios de la Gestión aspires to the highest visibility, academic excellence and respect for authorship.