Organizational Learning and its Impact on Business Performance as Well as in the Market: the case of Ecuador




Marketing, learning, organizational results, competitive advantage, small and medium enterprises


The study explains the relationship between two business capacities: market orientation and its influence on learning orientation and, both, on the organizational results of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Ecuador. This is a transversal and quantitative deductive-hypothetical investigation. The theoretical model and the proposed hypotheses were tested by applying confirmatory factor analysis of the scales and an analysis based on the structural equations model. It was based on the model of Sinkula, Baker and Noordewier. It was determined that there is a link between market orientation and learning, which translates into a direct and positive impact with organizational results, which, although they do not reach significant levels in the development of Ecuadorian SMEs, this result should not be sustained in lack or deficiency of creativity and personal initiative, but in the current existing business culture, which must prioritize market studies and research development activities of new products/services.


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How to Cite

Gallo-Mendoza, G. (2020). Organizational Learning and its Impact on Business Performance as Well as in the Market: the case of Ecuador. Estudios De La Gestión: Revista Internacional De Administración, (8), 57–78.
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