Plural perspectives in qualitative investigation: methodological proposals in management studies
Philosophy, critical theory, Organizational studies, qualitative methodology, sociological reduction, discourseAbstract
In the field of administration, the methodological horizon faces the nature of a study object marked by the historical, contingent and complex, thus it is necessary to move towards an alternative methodological ethos, different from those implemented in positivist research in reasoning and logical forms. From the aforementioned approach, this paper presents a post-positivist methodological perspective in which the qualitative approach converges with critical interpretative approaches and recovers the philosophical mediation for management research. The dynamization of the methodological field that we propose foresees the structuring of three logical research spaces, i) a critical-interpretative methodological approach; ii) an intellection strategy; iii) research techniques. These logical spaces are embedded and set in a philosophical and epistemic vision, in our case the Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School. The research is illustrated by a study on human talent management training in Ecuador and is aligned with the purpose of approaching plural perspectives in Organizational Studies.
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