Loyalty in the institutional cooperative sector in Ecuador


  • Karol Zambrano Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar. Quito, Ecuador




Loyalty, attrition, retention


The cooperative sector, also known as the Popular and Solidarity Economy has presented sustained growth and strengthening over the last decades, thus to measure customer loyalty as a measure of control and mitigation of possible defections of clients is needed, and also to determine the influence of labor in the consolidation of loyalty in the associates. In this work, customer loyalty was measured in Ciudad de Quito Savings and Credit Cooperative, which is an institutional cooperative linked to the United States government. The database consists of 465 observations and the econometric model used was the Logit. The main results showed that the variable with the greatest influence on customer loyalty is seniority, followed by the total amount of savings and credits. Variables that generate a decrease in the level of loyalty were also determined, such as the age of the associates and the number of credits that the associates maintain in the entity.


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How to Cite

Zambrano, K. (2020). Loyalty in the institutional cooperative sector in Ecuador. Estudios De La Gestión: Revista Internacional De Administración, (6), 111–133. https://doi.org/10.32719/25506641.2019.6.4
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