Pintar la nación indígena como una estrategia modernista en la obra de Eduardo Kingman

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Michele Greet


This study centers its analysis in the pictorial work of Eduardo Kingman as a model to describe the approaches, tendencies and ideologies which characterized Indigenismo. This artistic current brought painters, writers and Ecuadorian intellectuals together during the 1930s. The article proposes that this current emerged as a reaction to the predominance of academicism in the circles and schools of art. The study reviews the exhibits, biennials and contests in which Kingman participated.  It  analyzes  the  artistic  and  literary  influences  reflected  in  the  work  of  the author, his relationships with the Guayaquil Group and his links with the Union of Writers and Artists of Ecuador. Finally, it brings together the opinions and reactions of writers, intellectuals and the general press to his pictorial production.



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How to Cite
Greet, M. . (2015). Pintar la nación indígena como una estrategia modernista en la obra de Eduardo Kingman. Procesos. Revista Ecuatoriana De Historia, 1(25), 93–119.