The Dutch Guyanas in Latin America (1600-1814)

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Lodewijk A. H. C. Hulsman


This article starts by considering the fact that the Guyanas can be understood as an atypical region in the Latin-American context. The lapse of analysis of this study is from 1600 to 1814, period of development of Dutch Guyanas, which was the base of the Surinam Republic and the Co-operative Republic of Guyana. These are highlighted for being the unique Latin-American entities that were not colonized by the Catholics Monarchies, for the absence of missionary activities until 1735, and also for the absence of private action. These colonies offer an interesting study field about comparative development with other South American regions.



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C. Hulsman, L. A. H. . (2015). The Dutch Guyanas in Latin America (1600-1814). Procesos. Revista Ecuatoriana De Historia, 1(41), 13–34.
Author Biography

Lodewijk A. H. C. Hulsman

Lodewijk A. H. C. Hulsman, Universiteit van Amsterdam (Holanda) Universidade Federal de Roraima (Brasil) Investigador afiliado a la Faculdad de Geesteswetenschappende la Universidad de Ámsterdam, e investigador-docente vinculado al programa de Posgrado en Desarrollo Regional de la Universidade Federal de Roraima.


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