The Labor World at a Crossroads: Punishment and Resistance, Chile, 1973-1981

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Ana Paola López Dietz


This article studies the labor policy implemented by the dictatorship and the ensuing labor union movement’s refusal to accept the new guidelines. Important changes concerning Chile’s social, political and economic systems were imposed during this period (1973-1981). Pinochet’s regime implemented a neoliberal model, restructured the productive system, and suppressed the union movement. Also it generated a new labor plan that reduced the unions’ power, limited the right to strike and prohibited collective bargaining by branch. Despite having to weather conditions of repression and persecution, the union movement continued to convene and retaliated with a series of active resistance measures like covert operations, work absences and protests to express their disapproval of the dictatorship and its labor policies.


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How to Cite
López Dietz, A. P. . (2016). The Labor World at a Crossroads: Punishment and Resistance, Chile, 1973-1981. Procesos. Revista Ecuatoriana De Historia, (44), 75–101.
Author Biography

Ana Paola López Dietz

Doctora (c) en Estudios Latinoamericanos en la Universidad de Chile. Docente e Investigadora sobre temas de género y movimientos sociales. Entre sus investigaciones destaca la historia del movimiento obrero durante la dictadura chilena y la Unidad Popular. Entre sus publicaciones recientes está “Reconstruyendo la Historia con sus protagonistas. Testimonios de los Cordones Industriales”. Santiago: Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano / IPS, 2015.