From Esmeraldas to the world: Primitive Accumulation of Capital and Managing Populations in the second half of the Nineteenth Century

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Juan Mérida Conde


The article describes the insertion of the province of Esmeraldas (Ecuador) into the global market beginning in the second half of the nineteenth century. From the standpoint of political economics and post-colonial studies, the paper argues that, in only one decade (1846-1857), the foundation was laid for developing capitalism in the region. After a brief explanation of how “the law of the jungle” was established in the colonial period, the mechanisms used for promoting the indebtedness enabling the population to participate in the marketing network are examined in depth, with a special focus on the commercial and cultural environment of Esmeraldas during the process of primitive accumulation of capital.


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How to Cite
Mérida Conde, J. (2020). From Esmeraldas to the world: Primitive Accumulation of Capital and Managing Populations in the second half of the Nineteenth Century. Procesos. Revista Ecuatoriana De Historia, (51), 105–135.
Author Biography

Juan Mérida Conde

Juan Mérida Conde, Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (España)

Tiene estudios doctorales en la Universidad del País Vasco (programa “Sociedad, Política y Cultura”); y es magíster en Sociología por la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO E); licenciado en Ciencias Políticas y de la Administración por Universidad Autónoma de Barce- lona. Sus temas de investigación se relacionan con Estado, democracia, partici- pación y autonomía. Ha publicado, conjuntamente con Gustavo Durán y Marc Martí, el artículo “Crecimiento, segregación y mecanismos de desplazamiento en el periurbano de Quito” (2016).