Crossroads Social Innovator: An Attempt at Characterization Based on Souza Neto, Carrieri and Sarasvathy




crossroads innovation, social innovation, virador, entrepreneurship in Brazil


Over the last few years, a context of poverty and uncertainty has been looming over the
future of Brazil, bringing an increase in cost of living and unemployment along with it. In the face of this scenario, it is necessary to look for other opportunities for work and remuneration. As such, entrepreneurship appears as a possibility to generate an income
source. Entrepreneurs do not always start businesses following conventional management theories, as they are subjects just looking for an opportunity to help them survive. This study looks for a possible characterization of the social innovator in a crossroads through the theories of three authors: Souza Neto, Sarasvathy and Carrieri, who focus on the entrepreneur performing social innovation, generating income for themselves and, most times, solving issues that have not been yet solved by the State in their territory. This study compares the aforementioned theories through an integrational literature review performed in
2022, with field observations of the researchers with entrepreneurs in peripheral areas as of 15 years ago. The objective is to characterize the social innovator in a crossroads in an attempt to extend the field of view to the small entrepreneur using gaps in the system, without systematic knowledge of management to perform their entrepreneurial activities.


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How to Cite

Afonso, R., & Silva, P. (2024). Crossroads Social Innovator: An Attempt at Characterization Based on Souza Neto, Carrieri and Sarasvathy. Estudios De La Gestión: Revista Internacional De Administración, (16), 83–108.
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