Social Innovation and Sustainable Local Development: The Case of the Indigenous Community of Tlajomulco




social innovation, development strategies, social innovation projects, indigenous communities, participative development


This article intends to analyze innovative projects that have been successful in the promotion of sustainable development and improvement in quality of life of indigenous
communities in Mexico. Three projects are considered: eco-touristic park, communal
house and agro-businesses in the indigenous community of Tlajomulco (Jalisco), to study
the scope and limitations of social innovation in the promotion of sustainable local development. A qualitative methodology was used involving participative investigation-action. The findings show that collaboration is essential to achieve success in such projects,
but they do not depend exclusively on the existence of trust and mutual benefit between
the parties involved as literature suggests, but also the capacity to transcend individual
interests and work jointly towards attaining collective interests that promote sustainable
development of the community. This finding represents a contribution to specialized literature in the area and calls to reflection and action to promote effective collaborative
practices in the field of sustainable local development.


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How to Cite

Silva-Flores, M. L. (2024). Social Innovation and Sustainable Local Development: The Case of the Indigenous Community of Tlajomulco. Estudios De La Gestión: Revista Internacional De Administración, (16), 9–28.
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