Telework and Human Talent Management in the Universities of Ecuador: Experiences at Southern Manabi State University
time sharing, work behavior, job determination and creation, human capital, teleworkAbstract
The present contribution is based on important components of telework to analyze the process of its expansion in Ecuador, beginning in the second quarter of 2020. The study responds to the need to address the challenges that teleworking has brought to higher education institutions in the country using appropriate methodological approaches. Three guiding categories of these processes are reviewed for the analysis: knowledge management and innovation; organizational behavior; and organizational culture. Through them, key elements of human talent management in higher education are revealed. The paper aims to support the incorporation of innovative approaches for effective human talent management in universities, given the growing importance of telework in times of pandemic and post-pandemic. The methodology favors a systemic and multidimensional approach that highlights the form and impact of telework on managing human talent in universities. It is concluded that the prospective scenario points to the simultaneity of face-to-face and telework modality to improve performance indicators and the quality of university activities. The trend is towards a new transition in the administration of processes.
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