Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador.
Toledo N22-80 (Plaza Brasilia) Quito, Ecuador.
(593 2) 322 8084, ext. 1707.
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.Author Guidelines
Presentation and structure of originals
Manuscripts must be submitted exclusively through the OJS 3 platform ( All authors must register with their credits. Although only one will be responsible for correspondence, no author may send or have two manuscripts under review simultaneously, estimating a lack of two consecutive numbers.
The papers must be handed in Times New Roman 12 typeface, one and a half line spaced, fully justified, with indentation on the left at the beginning of each paragraph, without carriage returns between paragraphs. Only the large blocks (author, title, abstracts, keyword, credits and headings) are separated with a return. Papers are presented in Word for PC. The file must be anonymised in file properties so that the authors´ identification does not appear.
The publication standards are based on the UASB Style Manual.
The author must specify in the submission if their article is part of a preprint server.
Two files must be submitted simultaneously: a) presentation and cover; and b) manuscript, in accordance with the standards as detailed below:
a) Presentation and cover
The cover letter must have the authors´ signature (names and surnames), confirming that the article hasn´t been published and has not been submitted for consideration in other journals. As well as an original contribution, not have been sent during the evaluation process and publication to other journals. Confirmation of the signing authorship for formal changes in the manuscript following the rules and transfer of rights to the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Ecuador Headquarters (Sample cover letter) with all the complete details listed below:
Title of the article, first line in Spanish and then in English, consisting of as many significant terms as possible. A maximum of 85 characters with spaces are accepted. Authors and publishers handle this, therefore, if the title does not correctly reflect the meaning of the work, it may be modified.
Full name and surname of each author in priority order (the number must be justified by the topic, its complexity and its length, with the average of the area being three authors). In the case of more than three authors, it is prescriptive to substantively justify the original contribution of the team since it will be important in the manuscript estimation. Along with the names, the professional category, institutional affiliation, each author´s e-mail account and ORCID number must be included. It is mandatory to show if you have the academic degree of doctor (include Dr. / Dra. In front of the name). The academic signature (name) must be standardized following international conventions to ease identification in the main databases ( Example: Dra. María Pérez-Peñaherrera. It is mandatory to register in the International Registry of Researchers (ORCID) (
Summary, in Spanish 200/210 words, where the research objective, the theory used, the methodology, the most outstanding results and the main conclusions must be clearly described. It must be written impersonally (third person). Example: The present work analyses...
Abstract, in English 190/200 words. For its preparation, as well as for the title and keywords, automatic translators are not allowed.
5 keywords in Spanish / 5 Keywords in English, the use of UNESCO Thesaurus is recommended. Only in exceptional cases new terms are accepted. Terms must be in standardized scientific English / Spanish.
JEL code, the author must choose a classification code from among the categories (Spanish version; official English version
b) Manuscript
The manuscripts will strictly respect the structure that is presented below, the Notes and Supports headings being optional. Reference inclusions in all papers are mandatory.
- Title (Spanish) / Title (English)
- Summary (Spanish) / Abstract (English)
- Keywords (Spanish) / Keywords (English)
- JEL (Spanish) / JEL (English)
- Introduction: Problem context, the rationale, study purpose and justification must be included, of course using bibliographic citations.
- Theoretical framework: significant literature review of the study object with classical references and the state of art.
- Methodology: It must be clearly presented so the reader understands the research development. If it is a quantitative investigation, it must describe the sample and the sampling strategies, as well as the statistical analysis type used. For qualitative research, the research design, techniques, and tools to be used should be indicated. If it is an original method, state the reasons that have led to its use and describe its possible limitations. For the states of the art or theoretical discussions, the corresponding text must be incorporated.
- Presentation, analysis, and result discussion: the most important observations must be highlighted, describing, without making value judgments, the material and methods used, as well as the most relevant results of the investigation. The results must be presented in figures and / or tables according to the rules of the journal (see other annotations). They must appear in a logical sequence in the text, tables, or essential figures, avoiding data redundancy. A maximum of six figures and tables is recommended; In case the authors need to offer more data or graphic information, DOI links generated in external platforms such as Figshare can be introduced.
- Conclusions: These must summarize the findings, relating the observations with some other studies, pointing out contributions and limitations, without reiterating data previously commented in other sections. The findings inferences and their limitations should be mentioned, including any deductions for future research, as well as linking the conclusions with study objectives, avoiding gratuitous statements and not fully supported conclusions by the work data.
- Notes: These are considered exceptional and must always go at the bottom of the page. The note numbers are placed in superscript both in the running text and in the final note, being placed in the text before the closing point or comma. Notes that include simple bibliographic citations (without comments) are not allowed, since these must be in the references.
- Endorsement: The Council Science Editors recommends that the authors specify the funding source for the research.
- References: Bibliographic citations must be reviewed as references to the text. Uncited bibliography should not be included in the text. Their number must be sufficient and necessary to contextualize the theoretical framework (an average of forty-five references is recommended, not per author, taking care not to exceed a maximum of three references by the same author), the used method and the research results in an international research space. They must be listed alphabetically by the author's first surname (adding the second only if the first is very commonly used and joined with a hyphen). The citations must be extracted from the original documents - journals and a lesser extent books - always indicating the paper´s initial and final page from which they come, with the exception of complete works.
As important as it is, the citation indexes and the calculations of the impact factors, the correct citation of national and international authors in indexed journals will be assessed, following the UASB Style Manual.
- How to cite: the article citations and references must follow the provisions of the Chicago Manual for Style, author-year subsystem with the scientific names of authors.
Authorship Statement
Starting in 2025, articles published in this journal with more than one author must include an authorship statement according to the CRediT taxonomy. This taxonomy assigns specific roles to contributors, facilitating greater transparency in the scientific process.
CRediT Roles:
- Conceptualization: Link
- Data Curation: Link
- Formal Analysis: Link
- Funding Acquisition: Link
- Investigation: Link
- Methodology: Link
- Project Administration: Link
- Resources: Link
- Software: Link
- Supervision: Link
- Validation: Link
- Visualization: Link
- Writing – Original Draft: Link
- Writing – Review & Editing: Link
An author may perform multiple roles, or multiple authors may share the same role. In these cases, the degree of contribution can be specified. The lead author will be responsible for assigning the roles, and all authors must confirm their respective roles.
Authors are requested to submit the authorship declaration (download here) along with the cover letter when submitting their articles.
Examples of authorship statements:
- Author 1: conceptualization, methodology, writing.
- Author 2: conceptualization, writing.
- Author 3: conceptualization, methodology.
For more information on the CRediT taxonomy, visit this link.
All UASB-E publications strive for written expression that does not discriminate against women or any group in society, while recognizing the history, structure and economy of the language, and the most comfortable use for readers and speakers.
Therefore, no sexist or inequitable usage will be accepted, nor will the immoderate use of inclusive duplications or the morpheme e, @ (it is not a letter) or x to compose supposedly generic words, which contravene the standard use of the language.
Rules for citations and references
Estudios de la Gestión follows the Chicago Manual for Style, and within this, the author-year subsystem (SAA).
The reference citation, as a rule, according to the Chicago Manual for Style, the author cited in the text is included in the speech, and the year is indicated in parentheses and, if it is a textual citation, the number of the page preceded by a comma. If the author does not go in the speech, he goes inside the parentheses, preceding the year.
It is essential that the bibliographic citation, both in the discursive thread and in the references, responds to uniform and constant criteria. This is a key aspect in a scientific journal. Inconsistencies or alterations of established regulations are not accepted. Please respect the punctuation system: commas, periods, and semicolons.
Here are some recommendations related to the Manual:
a) Words in other languages and highlighted words must be in italics.
b) The text should never be underlined.
c) The first-time acronyms or acronyms are used, it must be in parentheses after the complete formula. Example: Economic Commission for America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).
d) On figures and tables:They must be incorporated into the text in an orderly manner, according to the order of appearance.
- They must be incorporated into the text in an orderly manner, according to the order of appearance.
- It is recommended to include tables and figures with 3D design.
- Figures, such as photographs and images, must clarify the text and their number will not exceed six between figures and tables.
- The information that goes inside the tables must be with single spacing, in Arial, ten points, with initial capital letters, and centred/justified as appropriate.
- Each element must have a title and sequence number, centred, single spacing, Arial, in ten points. Example:
Table 1
Table example
- Each element must include its respective citation in Times New Roman, 9 points in the lower left corner. Examples:
i. Quote: Source: ECLAC (2018, 87).
ii. Paraphrase: Source: adapted from ECLAC (2018).
iii. Author of the writer: Source and own elaboration.
- Each element must be sent separately in any standard readable format (show the format). They must have printing quality, presented in .PNG format and in a separate file in editable (modifiable) format.
- If they were prepared in a statistical program, they must be accompanied by a PDF generated directly by the program.
- Figures must be of quality or from royalty-free image banks.
- The originality of the authors´ graphic presentation with professional programs will be valued: awGraph (, Plotly ( VHKY), ChartGo ( / 2qoRG0k); Online Chart Tool (, etc. or other 3D graphics programs.
e) It is prescriptive that all citations having DOI (Digital Object Identifier System) are reflected in the References (they can be obtained at
f) All journals and books that do not have DOI must appear with their link (in their online version, if they have it, shortened).
g) All the web addresses that are presented must be shortened in the manuscript through, apart from the DOI that must be in the indicated format.
h) The authors´ citation saturations (self-citations) and of this journal should be limited.
i) National and international journals indexed in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR), Scopus, REDIB, Dialnet Metrics, ERIH and FECYT are recommended.
j) Regarding the number of citations, it will depend on the nature of the paper, but it is recommended to have, on average, 45 references, 10% of which must be Scopus or WOS references.
Citations and bibliographic references examples
The reference citation is the one included in the document; the bibliographic citation is the one included at the end of the document. Here are some examples of the most common types of citations and references:
- Book
Reference citation:
(Carlino et al. 2013, 34)
If the reference citation is textual, the page number must be preceded by a comma, as shown in the example above.
Bibliographic citation:
Carlino, Paula, Patricia Iglesia, Leandro Bottinelli, Manuela Cartolari, Irene Laxalt and Marta Marucco. 2013. Reading and writing to learn in the various careers and signatures of the IFDs that train high school teachers. Buenos Aires: Ministry of Education of the Nation.
When the paper has four or more authors, in the reference citation only the first author´s last name is written followed by the Latin phrase “et al.” All authors are included in the bibliographic citation and only first author´s name of the cited is reversed. In the case of books consulted on the web, the respective link is added.
- Chapter of book
Reference citation:
(Alvear 2009, 30)
Bibliographic citation:
Alvear, Miguel. 2009. "Cinema outside the cinema". In Ecuador underground: video graphs in parallel circulation, edited by Miguel Alvear and Christian León, 28-39. Quito: Ocho y medio.
- Web page
Reference citation:
(EC Ministry of Education 2019, para. 7)
(Rivas and Ramón 2018, para. 10)
Bibliographic citation:
EC Ministry of Education. 2019. "Inclusive schools". Ministry of Education. Accessed September 19.
Rivas, Natalia, and Pamela Ramón. 2018. “The subway is passing and Solanda is sinking”. The Space Bar. Accessed November 2019.
- Article in scientific journal
Reference citation:
(Agudelo and López 2018, 85)
(Chu 2011)
Bibliographic citation:
Agudelo, Daniel, and Yohana López. 2018. "Dynamics of systems in inventory management". USBMed Engineering Journal 9 (1): 75-85.
Chu, Edward. 2011. “Inventory Turnover of Fortune 500 Manufacturing Companies after 2001 and its Relationship to Net Earning”. Journal of Business & Economics Research (6): 2-12.
After the name of the journal there are two numbers: the first corresponds to the volume and the second corresponds to the number (which normally only appears as a "number" in publications). Some journals do not have the volume figure, in that case, the number figure is written directly in parentheses.
- Thesis
Reference Citation:
(German Salvador 2003, 69)
Bibliographic citation:
German Salvador, María Gabriela. 2003. “The audio-visual imprint in Ecuadorian culture”. PhD thesis, Tulane University, Tulane.
- Presentations at conferences, semimars, etc.
Reference citation:
(Boero 2014)
Bibliographic citations:
Boero, Gabriel. 2014. "Social responsibility and entrepreneurship". Paper presented at the X International Entrepreneur Forum, Quito, November 19.
- Legal sources
Constitution, laws, and decrees
Reference citation:
(EC 2008, art. 298)
(EC 2010, art. 22)
Bibliographic citation:
- 2008. Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador. Official Registry 449, October 20.
---. 2010. Organic Law of Higher Education. Official Gazette 298, Supplement, October 12.
Institutional documents
Reference citation:
According to / According to ISO 31000 (INEN 2014, 4)
Bibliographic citation:
Ecuadorian Institute for Standardization. 2014. NTE INEN- ISO 31000. Risk Management, principles and guidelines (ISO 31000: 2009, IDT). Quito: INEN.
Instruments of international organizations
Reference citation:
AENOR (2015)
Bibliographic citation:
Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification (AENOR). 2015. UNE EN ISO 14001: 2015 standard. Environmental management systems: requirements with guidance for their use. Madrid: AENOR.
Other annotations
The final text must be checked with the word processor's dictionary since it solves some problems automatically. To avoid the general marking with two spaces between words error, the Word search engine (replace) can be used, pointing to looking for double spaces to be substituted by one.
Abbreviations: only universally accepted should be used (see: Units Symbols and Abbreviations). When it is intended to shorten a term often used in the text, the corresponding abbreviation in parentheses must be the first time it appears. Roman numerals will not be used in the text, using the point to the right of zero for decimals and not the comma (for the Spanish version).
Complementary material: when the manuscript is required to be complemented with visual, audio-visual, statistical documents and annexed materials, extensive tables, complex colour graphics that due to format and size reasons cannot be inserted in the articles, these documents must be as extraordinary files, and once accepted, they will be published in a prescriptive way and online by the author, using the Figshare platform (, collecting the citation in the manuscript. This platform also offers a complementary free DOI.
The authors who publish in this journal accept the following conditions:
- The authors assign to Estudios de la Gestión, the right of the first publication. The works are published in both the electronic and printed editions of the magazine under the Creative Commons 4.0 Non-Commercial Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 license, which enables the work to be shared, adapted and attributed.
- Authors can make other independent and additional contractual agreements for the distribution of the article published in this journal (e.g., include it in an institutional repository or publish it in a book) as long as they expressly indicate that the article was published for the first time in Estudios la Gestión. In the case of reproduction, a note similar to the following must be included: This text was originally published in the journal Estudios de la Gestión N ° -, year of publication.
- The authors undertake to disseminate and disseminate the final version of the article published in Estudios la Gestión, through academic and general digital media such as social networks, blogs, repositories, institutional or personal pages, among others, in order to lead to a greater and faster dissemination of the published work.
- It also declares that it has respected the ethical principles of research and is free from any conflict of interest.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.