Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador.
Toledo N22-80 (Plaza Brasilia) Quito, Ecuador.
(593 2) 322 8084, ext. 1707.
About the Journal
- General information
- Scope and policy
- Editorial process
- Open access policy
- Digital preservation policies
- Anti-plagiarism policies
- Interoperability protocols
- Preprints acceptances
Estudios de la Gestión: Revista Internacional de Administración is an academic journal of the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Ecuador Campus, edited by the Academic Area of Management. It has been published uninterruptedly since 2017 on a semi-annual basis, in January and July, and maintains a continuous submission process for articles in Spanish, English, and Portuguese.
Editorial management is carried out through the OJS 3.x platform, and essential metadata such as title, abstract, keywords, and JEL code are available in English and Portuguese.
2.1. Contributions
Estudios de la Gestión: Revista Internacional de Administración receives, edits and publishes results or advances of original scientific research resulting from processes of analysis, reflection and critical production on organizational policies and strategies, management technologies, organization and management; theoretical contributions and state of the art on management and administration and essays on historical or contemporary topics related to management and analysis of current events, national or international, of interest to the organizational field. All manuscripts must be solidly supported by relevant, current and specialized bibliography.
Manuscripts may be written in Spanish, English or Portuguese, and the authors should be responsible for its rigorous review of their original language (grammar, vocabulary, orthography, among other aspects). The Scientific Committee will assign the manuscripts to the most pertinent section.
Submissions must be original, unpublished contributions not previously published in any medium, and must not be in another publication process. Authors are responsible for complying with this rule, with no duplication (or republication) allowed for articles already published elsewhere.
Types of contributions include:
- Studies: Peer-reviewed section for varied contributions within the journal's general theme. Permanent call for papers in topics such as organizational policies and strategies, management technologies, and organization and management. Length: 4500-6000 words.
- Central Theme: Peer-reviewed section for monographic issues with a public call for papers led by specialized thematic editors. Submission with a deadline. Articles should fit within the specific call’s scope. Length: 4500-6000 words.
- Viewpoint: Non-peer-reviewed section with the same call as the Central Theme. Accepts critical texts on current, relevant issues for the organizational field. Length: 1500-3000 words.
- UASB-E SME Observatory: Non-peer-reviewed section with no specific call. Covers the semiannual evolution of ongoing work by the Observatory on SME development.
- Interviews: Non-peer-reviewed section managed by thematic editors on issues related to the Central Theme. Length: 1500-3000 words.
- Book Review: Optional, non-peer-reviewed section. Critical reviews of works related to the specific call theme. Length: 800-1200 words.
The journal publishes twice a year (16 articles annually), with manuscripts assigned to the most relevant section by the Scientific Committee.
Manuscripts must be submitted to the journal using the OJS 3.x platform. Authors must first register on the journal's portal. Once registered, they can send their manuscript, with three more documents: the cover letter, the authors and manuscript’s informational and the Authorship Declaration. Authors will receive a message that confirm the submission through the platform's system, to the email address provided by the main author during registration.
The following complete guidelines can be found on the journal's portal in a downloadable file that guides the publication process in the journal:
- Pre-submission check list
- Authors and manuscript’ s information
- Cover letter
- Declaration of Authorship
- Evaluation protocol for external reviewers
The Editorial Committee, composed of the journal's editors and two subject editors with expertise in the subject matter of the issue, leads and supervises the editorial process. The Committee analyzes the reports of the external reviewers and makes decisions on the publication of articles.
Within a maximum period of thirty days from receipt of each manuscript, the authors will receive notification indicating whether the work is rejected or preliminarily approved for the double blind review process. If the manuscript has substantive form deficiencies or content misalignment, it will be rejected. Turnitin software is used to check for text similarity to prevent potential plagiarism or AI-generated content.
If minor form deficiencies exist, the manuscript is returned to the author for correction before evaluation. After adjustments, it can be resubmitted through the original registration. Formal rejection occurs if resubmission does not meet formal criteria, with no further correspondence maintained for rejected articles.
Accepted manuscripts are double-blind reviewed by two external peers, providing objective, conflict-free feedback. The entire peer review process guarantees anonymity and confidentiality.
The review protocol is public, with evaluation times of 120-150 days following initial approval by the Scientific Committee.
Review outcomes:
- Publishable without adjustments
- Publishable with adjustments
- Unpublishable
In case of review discrepancies, a third reviewer will determine the final decision on article acceptance. Authors receive anonymous evaluation rubrics for required adjustments or replies if not all suggestions are adopted. Anonymity, objectivity, transparency, and impartiality are ensured throughout peer evaluation.
Accepted manuscripts go through final author review and correction, with responses required within three days. Only minimal corrections are allowed.
Final decision criteria include:
- Timeliness, relevance, interest, quality, and novelty.
- Relevance and significance: advancing knowledge.
- Originality.
- Scientific reliability and validity: quality and rigor.
- Logical organization and presentation.
- External support and public/private funding.
- Co-authorship and proposal internationalization.
- Presentation: clear writing.
3.1 Difusion of the article
Authors undertake to spread the journal issue in which their published article appears on all their social and academic networks. In addition, they may be act as reviewers, once their manuscript is published, for the following years from its publication.
Estudios de la Gestión: Revista Internacional de Administración adheres to Open Access policies, allowing free, unrestricted access to scientific publications and publicly funded research. The journal considers that both scientific publications and publicly funded research should circulate on the Internet freely, free of charge and without restrictions.
Estudios de la Gestión: Revista Internacional de Administración is open access and free of charge to both readers and authors, providing immediate access to its content after publication at no charge to the user or their institution.
- All expenses, supplies and financing of Estudios de la Gestión: Revista Internacional de Administración come from contributions made by the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador.
- No financial charge is demanded for either publishing or accessing the material:
- Authors are welcome to reuse and self-archive their post- print articles in databases, directories, repositories, etc.
- Readers are free to download, read, print, distribute, quote, and archive all articles without restrictions after publication without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.
- The authors retain the copyright and assign the right of publication to the journal, with the work registered under the Attribution -NonCommercial - ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) that enables
- Share: copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.
- Adapt: remix, transform, and build upon the material.
Under the following terms:
- Attribution: You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
- Non-commercial: You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
- Share Alike: If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contribution under the same license as the original.
- There are no additional restrictions: You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from making any use that is permitted by the license.
Additionally, Estudios de la Gestión: Revista Internacional de Administración delivers two printed copies of the journal free of charge to each of its authors.
Estudios de la Gestión: Revista Internacional de Administración establishes two means for the preservation of its publications:
- Internally: through a centralized storage system of the university itself, which is updated twice a year.
- Institutional preservation: all journal articles are deposited in the institutional repository of the University.
In order to guarantee the originality of the articles submitted to the journal, all of them are analyzed by the Turnitin system, which prevents plagiarism and guarantees that the manuscript received is unpublished.
Articles with a high percentage of similarity with other texts published or available online are rejected.
Estudios de la Gestión: Revista Internacional de Administración incorporates the OAI-PMH interoperability protocol, which allows its contents to be collected by other distribution systems, such as digital repositories and harvesters.
OAI-PMH Route:
Se aceptan artículos procedentes de servidores preprints.