About the Journal


General Information

The Estudios de la Gestión journal is an academic publication by Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Ecuador Headquarters, and its Academic Management Area, which receives Spanish, English and Portuguese research papers on management. It has been published successively since 2017 biannually in January and July. It is a research and a reflection space on research advances in the management field and administrative studies, in private companies´ field, public organizations, development promoting organizations, and any other organizational space created by the human being as a facilitator of his coexistence within society.

Estudios de la Gestión follows external evaluation process by expert blind peers (peer-review), in accordance with the scientific journal arbitration criteria as described in section 3 “editorial process”. It is even open for authors who do not belong to the publishing entity.

The journal is published in a double version in Spanish: A printed version (ISSN: 2550-6641) and an electronic one (e-ISSN: 2661-6513), and it also uses the OJS 3 platform (bit.ly/324eP9N). In addition, the interface, titles, abstracts, keywords and JEL code are also available in English and Portuguese. Each research article is identified with a DOI 

Scope and Policy

2.1. Thematic 

It includes scientific research, framed in the thematic axes of management: 1) policies and strategies, 2) management technologies, and 3) organization and management. It is targeted to the national and international academic community; whose purpose is to fulfil the institutional role of promoting management knowledge from a broad and multidisciplinary perspective.

2.2. Contributions

 Estudios de la Gestión publishes results or scientific research advances resulting from analysis processes, reflection and critical production on organizational policies and strategies, management technologies, organization and management, theoretical contributions on management and administration, and historical or contemporary issue essays related to the management and analysis of the national or international situation which interests to organizational field. All manuscripts must be solidly supported by specialized bibliography and may be written in Spanish, English or Portuguese. Moreover, revision in their original language is ensured.

The papers must be original, unpublished and not having been published or being in another publication process. It´s the authors´ responsibility to follow this rule. The contributions in the journal can be:

  1.  Studies: refereed section. Varied contributions within the general theme of the publication. The call for papers for this section is permanent. Research articles dealing with: policies and strategies; management technologies; and organization and management are accepted. The length should be 4.500/6.000 words of text, including title, abstract, five keywords, a JEL code, tables/figures and references.
  2. Central theme: refereed section. It corresponds to the monographic section with public call for manuscripts through the call for papers, in charge of thematic coordinators specialized in the topic of the call. The deadline for submitting articles for the central theme has a closing date. Research articles within the scope of the specific call for papers are accepted. The length should be 4.500/6.000 words of text, including title, abstract, five keywords, a JEL code, tables/figures and references.
  3. Point of view: non-refereed section. The call for this section is the same as for the Central Theme. Critical texts on current transcendent situations for the organizational field and of theoretical and analytical confrontation, which are framed within the central theme, are accepted. The length should be 1.500/3.000 words of text.
  4. UASB-E SME Observatory: non-arbitrated section. For this section there is no call for papers. It presents the biannual evolution of the Observatory's ongoing work in the field of MSMEs promotion.
  5. Interviews: non-arbitrated section. The interview is in charge of the thematic coordinator and will deal with issues that are aligned to the scope of the specific call for the central theme. The length should be 1.500/3.000 words of text.
  6. Book review: non-refereed section. Calls for papers for this section have the same closing date as the central theme. Critical comments are accepted for works that are related to the issue of the specific call for papers. The criteria considered are the topicality of the book reviewed and its influence within the field of management. The length should be 800/1.200 words of text.

Estudios de la Gestión is published twice a year (twenty articles per year). The manuscripts will be assigned to the most pertinent section by The Editorial Board.

Editorial process

Manuscripts should be submitted to the journal using the OJS 3.x platform. Authors must first register in the journal's portal. Once they are registered, they may proceed with the submission of their manuscript. Receipt of the papers sent by the authors is acknowledged, through the platform system, to the e-mail address provided by the main author during registration.

On the journal's website you will find the following complete rules, in a downloadable file, that guide the process of publication in the journal:

  1. Pre-shipment check
  2. Regulations for external reviewers
  3. Cover letter
  4. Evaluation protocol for external reviewers
  5. Rubric for theme editor

Within a maximum period of thirty days from the receipt of each manuscript, the authors will receive notification indicating whether the work is rejected or preliminarily considered for evaluation by the external reviewers. In the event that the manuscript presents deficiencies of form or the content is not pertinent, in relation to the Studies or Central Theme section, the Editorial Committee will formally or thematically reject the manuscript.

Before accepting the manuscript, the journal performs a process of detection of similarity of texts, in order to rule out possible plagiarism, for which Turnitin software is used. The decision on the count given by the system will be a decision that corresponds to the editor of the journal.

In the event that the manuscript presents deficiencies of form, it will be returned to the author for correction. Once the author makes the requested adjustments, he/she may resubmit the paper a second time to the journal, using the original record in order not to duplicate submissions. If the formal requirements are not met, the manuscript will be formally rejected, without the option of a new submission. No further correspondence will be maintained with authors of rejected articles.

The date of entry of the paper will not be counted until the manuscript is correctly received, that is, once the compliance with the editorial policy and the pertinence of the research object with the subject matter of the journal has been verified. It is recommended to check that the manuscript complies with everything requested in the previous check before submission.

Once the manuscripts are accepted by the Editorial Committee, they are reviewed by two external peers, under the double-blind peer review methodology -anonymously and confidentially-, external to the publishing institution, who will provide advice on individual manuscripts, with objective judgments and ensuring that there is no conflict of interest. The condition of anonymity of authors and reviewers will be respected during the entire process of editorial management and instances.

The external peer reviewers must declare that they have no conflict of interest with the article they have been assigned to review and must follow the suggestions of the "Protocol of evaluation for external reviewers", based on which they will elaborate the rubric that determines if the manuscript is:

  1. Publishable and requires no adjustments.
  2. Publishable with settings.
  3. Not publishable.

In case of discrepancies between the decisions of the peer reviewers, the manuscript will be sent to a third expert peer reviewer, whose report will determine the final result on the acceptance or rejection of the article for publication.

If the decision of the peer reviewers is to accept the article, but with adjustments, the manuscript will be sent back to the author for suggested modifications. The observations of the peer reviewers may contain suggestions on the general content, introduction, literature review, methodology, presentation/discussion/analysis of results or conclusions or clarity in the wording. The author must accept the suggestions made by the external peers, respecting the original subject. The length of the corrected version cannot be longer than that indicated in this policy.

The protocol used by the reviewers of the journal is public. The deadline for the scientific evaluation of papers, after the previous estimation procedures by the Editorial Committee, is between 120 days and 150 days.

Papers that are positively evaluated, but require modifications, will be returned to the authors, who will have a maximum of 8 days to resubmit the article with the requested adjustments.

All authors will receive the evaluation rubrics, anonymously, so that they can make the requested adjustments or make the appropriate reply in case they do not accept all the suggestions. Anonymity, objectivity, transparency and impartiality are guaranteed throughout the peer review process.

Before the final edition, accepted manuscripts will be sent for review and final correction by the authors, by e-mail in Word format, for approval of the final version, as well as clarifications requested by the editor; the author must send his/her response within a maximum period of three days. Only minor corrections can be made to the content of the original manuscript already evaluated.

Once the external scientific reviews have been seen, the criteria that justify the decision on the acceptance/rejection of the papers by the Editorial Committee are as follows:

  1. Currentness, relevance, interest, quality and novelty
  2. Relevance and significance: scientific knowledge advance
  3. Originality
  4. Reliability and scientific validity: proven methodological quality
  5. Organization (logical coherence and formal presentation)
  6. External support and public/private financing
  7. Co-authorship and proposal and team internationalization degree
  8. Presentation: proficient writing.

The authors undertake to publish and share in all their social networks the number of the journal in which their published article appears.

The authors agree to be members of the International Council of Scientific Reviewers, once their manuscript is published, for the next three years from its publication.

Authors, reviewers, members of the Editorial Committee and the academic community will be able to access the publication electronically through the journal's official platform.

The list of authors should include only those who have contributed intellectually to the development of the work. Estudios de la Gestión declines any responsibility for possible conflicts arising from the authorship of the published papers. There are two main criteria to be recognized as an author:

(a) To have contributed substantially in the conception and design of the research, in the acquisition of data, or in the analysis and interpretation of the study;
b) Having written the draft or reviewed the intellectual content of the article.

Authors are ranked according to their level of responsibility and involvement in the submitted manuscript. Persons who participated in a research study but do not fit at least one of these criteria should be listed as contributors or under a subheading of acknowledgements. All authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of errors, in case of detection.

Open access policy

Estudios de la Gestión maintains its commitment to the policies of Open Access to scientific information, considering that both scientific publications and publicly funded research should circulate on the Internet freely, freely and without restrictions.

  • Estudios de la Gestión Journal is free and open access, both for readers and authors, providing immediate access to its content after its publication at no charge to the user or their institution.
  • All the expenses, supplies and financing of Estudios de la Gestión come from the contributions made by the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador.
  • No payment is required to publish or access the material.
  • The authors can reuse and archive their post-print articles in databases, directories, repositories, etc.
  • Readers can download, read, print, distribute, quote, archive all articles for free without restrictions, after publication without requesting prior permission from the publisher or author.
  • Estudios de la Gestión uses the Creative Commons License 4.0 “Non-Commercial Recognition-Equal Sharing 4.0” which allows:
    • Sharing: copying and redistributing the material in any media or format.
    • Adaptation: remixing, transforming and constructing from the material.

Under the following terms:

    • Credit: you should adequately give credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes have been made. You can do this in any reasonable way, but without implying that you or its use are supported by the licensor.
    • Non-commercial: you cannot use the material for commercial purposes.
    • Equal sharing: if you remix, transform or create something new from the material, you should distribute your contribution under the same license as the original.
    • There are no additional restrictions: you cannot apply legal terms nor technological measures which legally restrict others from using the material in any way permitted by the license.

Estudios de la Gestión  gives two printed copies of the journal free of charge to each of its authors.

Ethical policies

Estudios de la Gestión adheres to the norms of good conduct of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Some of these norms are detailed below:

 Ethical practices for authors:

  • The works sent to the journal should be original and without any type of alteration.
  • Do not simultaneously submit the same article for evaluation in several journals.
  • Always give credit to the people who have contributed to carrying out your research.
  • Explicitly declare that there are no conflicts of interest that could have influenced the obtained results.
  • Indicate any financing of agencies or projects that your research article stems from.
  • Your academic literature review is always current and relevant, taking into account different knowledge streams.
  • Deliver texts that comply with the established publication norms.
  • Promptly collaborate with reviewers’ corrections and suggestions.

The responsibility for the content of the articles published in Estudios de la Gestión, exclusively lies with the authors.

Ethical practices for reviewers:

  • Perform a critical, honest, constructive, unbiased review that guarantees the academic quality of the research article.
  • Immediately notify if for some reason you cannot evaluate the article, either because it is not in your field of expertise or because you cannot comply with the evaluation report delivery within the established timeframe.
  • Always maintain confidentiality concerning the authorship of the article to review.
  • Evaluation reports are delivered in the established revision template and substantiate the evaluations that have led you to your decision.
  • Precisely indicate the bibliographical references of fundamental works that the author has possibly forgotten.
  • Inform the editors of any similarity between the research article and other published works.

The evaluation is always carried out anonymously. If for any reason the author’s identity, institutional affiliations or any other information has been compromised that puts the document’s anonymity at risk, the reviewer should immediately notify the editors.

Editors’ commitment

  • Evaluate the articles based on the content’s academic merit, without discrimination with regards to the author’s race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, nationality or political opinion.
  • During the whole process, the confidentiality of authors, articles, and reviewers is maintained.
  • Editors are the most responsible for meeting deadlines for revision and publication of accepted works.
  • Guarantee the selection of the most qualified reviewers to issue an academic, critical and expert evaluation of the work that is as unbiased as possible.

Digital preservation policies

Estudios de la Gestión establishes two means of preserving its publications:

Anti-plagiarism policies

In order to guarantee the originality of the articles that arrive at the journal, all are analyzed by the Turnitin system which allows for the prevention of plagiarism and guarantees that the received works are original.

Articles with a high percentage of similarity with other texts published or available online are rejected.

Interoperability protocols

Estudios de la Gestión incorporates the OAI-PMH interoperability protocol, which allows its contents to be harvested by other distribution systems, such as digital repositories and harvesters.

OAI-PMH route: PMH:  https://revistas.uasb.edu.ec/index.php/eg/oai